creating time book & event
If you are like me, you never feel there are enough hours in the day. Especially to be creative!
So I was really excited when Marney K Makridakis asked me to be a part of her Creating Time Mega Event!
It's a FREE event with all sorts of exciting speakers from Sark, Jill Badonsky, Jennifer Louden and many, many more, including me! You'll get to hear my own views on time and how I manage all my deadlines!
Sign up here, and you'll hear 3 weeks of creative insights about time. and how to get more time out of your day! it's all FREE and starts on Monday. I can hardly wait, I love listening to podcasts and speakers while I work and this will be a huge treat to listen to these amazing speakers. Sign up here.
And if you want more time management and thoughts on time goodness you'll want to check out Marney's new book Creating Time. I can't wait to snuggle up on the couch on read this one!

So I was really excited when Marney K Makridakis asked me to be a part of her Creating Time Mega Event!
It's a FREE event with all sorts of exciting speakers from Sark, Jill Badonsky, Jennifer Louden and many, many more, including me! You'll get to hear my own views on time and how I manage all my deadlines!
Sign up here, and you'll hear 3 weeks of creative insights about time. and how to get more time out of your day! it's all FREE and starts on Monday. I can hardly wait, I love listening to podcasts and speakers while I work and this will be a huge treat to listen to these amazing speakers. Sign up here.
And if you want more time management and thoughts on time goodness you'll want to check out Marney's new book Creating Time. I can't wait to snuggle up on the couch on read this one!
Labels: books
finding your artistic style: part 1
This is my first post of a mini blog series on artistic style: finding your style, keeping it and what happens when you want to change it. I am not sure how long the series will be, but I hope you'll enjoy the ride with me, and maybe we can have some fun discussions along the way.
Style is something that is encouraged as an artist/illustrator/crafter. You have a certain "look" and that look defines your work. It makes people comfortable with you and your work. They can define it. As an illustrator, clients really prefer this because they know what to expect when they hire you.
On the other hand, having too rigid of a style can also be restrictive. You work in a certain way for many years, it gets to be a formula, you get bored. It's like eating the same thing for lunch every day for 15 years. One day you look at your work and just cant do it anymore. You're bored and it shows in your work too. This happened to me about 10 years ago and I'll be sharing my story later in another post.
So what happens next? My next post in the series will focus on this, baby steps to growing your style in a new direction, and also finding your style if you don't have one yet.
But before I get to all that, I wanted to go back to 1996. When I was a junior in college at the Corcoran College of Art and Design.
The artist Julian Schnabel came to a local movie theater and we were invited to view a screening of his first movie Basquiat with a discussion with him afterwards. If you haven't yet seen this movie, stop everything. Go and watch it and then come back and finish reading. He had never made a movie before and many people were like "who is this artist who is now calling himself a film maker" all I knew of him was his broken plate artwork from the 80's. He came off as a little arrogant, but he was brave and it was thrilling to meet him. Trying a whole new medium and putting that work out there for all to comment on is brave stuff. Heck creating anything from a book, to a card, layout, or a new product and putting it out into the world for all to comment on is brave. Just being an artist or a creator takes bravery. Period.
His film made a huge impression on me. There's a scene where Benico del Toro who plays Benny and Jeffery Wright (who plays Basquiat) are playing basket ball. This scene caused quite a discussion amongst us students. I'm posting the scene here, with some thoughts that followed.
BASQUIAT: How long do you think it takes to get really famous?
BENNY: For a musician or a painter?
BASQUIAT: Whatever. Famous. To where you can do your stuff all day without thinking about anything else.
BENNY: Ummm.. Four years. Six to get rich
First, you have to dress right.Then, you have to hang out all the time---with famous people---the right people,the right chicks, the right parties.
And you gotta do your work all the time when you're not doing that. The same kinda work, the same style--- OVER and OVER again, so people recognize it and don't get confused.
Then, once you're famous, you have to keep doing it the same way, even after it's boring--unless you want people to really get mad at you--which they will anyway.
So after the movie was over and the house lights went up, and we had some discussion time. I remember a lot of various discussions about art and which art is better - small or large (large scale art said Schnabel) but the parts that stuck with me was the above scene and our discussion about it.
You simply can not make everyone happy. You'll have those people that get frustrated when you change your work because it makes them uncomfortable, or maybe they liked your old style better (but don't worry you'll find new people who like your new work too)
Then on the flip side if you keep doing the same work over and over forever you'll have people who call you a sell out and that you are just creating art to a formula. You can't win and please everyone all of the time. So you might as well create the kind of work that you want to create!
In college we were always encouraged to grow our work. If we spent more than a semester doing the same type of work in a series our instructors would get ansty. Constantly telling us to push the work, change it, look for new directions. It was great to build this skill. Even though my work now is on a slower growth/change cycle before I mix up the direction. I know now how to change, if i feel I need to. It's a messy and uncomfortable process, but it's worth it.
I hope in my little series I can help guide you towards either pushing your work forward, finding a new direction, or finding a style that you didn't know you had.
Style is something that is encouraged as an artist/illustrator/crafter. You have a certain "look" and that look defines your work. It makes people comfortable with you and your work. They can define it. As an illustrator, clients really prefer this because they know what to expect when they hire you.
On the other hand, having too rigid of a style can also be restrictive. You work in a certain way for many years, it gets to be a formula, you get bored. It's like eating the same thing for lunch every day for 15 years. One day you look at your work and just cant do it anymore. You're bored and it shows in your work too. This happened to me about 10 years ago and I'll be sharing my story later in another post.
So what happens next? My next post in the series will focus on this, baby steps to growing your style in a new direction, and also finding your style if you don't have one yet.
But before I get to all that, I wanted to go back to 1996. When I was a junior in college at the Corcoran College of Art and Design.
The artist Julian Schnabel came to a local movie theater and we were invited to view a screening of his first movie Basquiat with a discussion with him afterwards. If you haven't yet seen this movie, stop everything. Go and watch it and then come back and finish reading. He had never made a movie before and many people were like "who is this artist who is now calling himself a film maker" all I knew of him was his broken plate artwork from the 80's. He came off as a little arrogant, but he was brave and it was thrilling to meet him. Trying a whole new medium and putting that work out there for all to comment on is brave stuff. Heck creating anything from a book, to a card, layout, or a new product and putting it out into the world for all to comment on is brave. Just being an artist or a creator takes bravery. Period.
His film made a huge impression on me. There's a scene where Benico del Toro who plays Benny and Jeffery Wright (who plays Basquiat) are playing basket ball. This scene caused quite a discussion amongst us students. I'm posting the scene here, with some thoughts that followed.
BASQUIAT: How long do you think it takes to get really famous?
BENNY: For a musician or a painter?
BASQUIAT: Whatever. Famous. To where you can do your stuff all day without thinking about anything else.
BENNY: Ummm.. Four years. Six to get rich
First, you have to dress right.Then, you have to hang out all the time---with famous people---the right people,the right chicks, the right parties.
And you gotta do your work all the time when you're not doing that. The same kinda work, the same style--- OVER and OVER again, so people recognize it and don't get confused.
Then, once you're famous, you have to keep doing it the same way, even after it's boring--unless you want people to really get mad at you--which they will anyway.
So after the movie was over and the house lights went up, and we had some discussion time. I remember a lot of various discussions about art and which art is better - small or large (large scale art said Schnabel) but the parts that stuck with me was the above scene and our discussion about it.
You simply can not make everyone happy. You'll have those people that get frustrated when you change your work because it makes them uncomfortable, or maybe they liked your old style better (but don't worry you'll find new people who like your new work too)
Then on the flip side if you keep doing the same work over and over forever you'll have people who call you a sell out and that you are just creating art to a formula. You can't win and please everyone all of the time. So you might as well create the kind of work that you want to create!
In college we were always encouraged to grow our work. If we spent more than a semester doing the same type of work in a series our instructors would get ansty. Constantly telling us to push the work, change it, look for new directions. It was great to build this skill. Even though my work now is on a slower growth/change cycle before I mix up the direction. I know now how to change, if i feel I need to. It's a messy and uncomfortable process, but it's worth it.
I hope in my little series I can help guide you towards either pushing your work forward, finding a new direction, or finding a style that you didn't know you had.
Labels: finding your style
embroidery kit giveaway
Let's have a giveaway! I just got my samples of my embroidery kits with Dimensions/EK Success!
Before I get to the giveaway details I wanted to share something with you!
When I was down in Orlando recently my mom came across an embroidery project that I made when I was 6 years old....... Here it is:
I did a napkin with the letter C and a beaded smiley face in the C and then also a couple of stitched hearts, with additional beading of course! How funny that stitched hearts are still one of my favorite things to draw and embroider!
OK so now for the giveaway details!!
First the goodies!
I have two embroidery kits on the out with Dimensions/EK Success. A "House Warming" set and a "Travel/Places" set. They come with the thread and iron ons and everything you need to get you started embroidering (except for the hoop!)!
UPDATE: WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!! Congratulations to Traci #76 and Panda's Rock #44. I'll be emailing you to get your address or feel free to please contact me so I can get you your prize!! thanks for playing everyone!! We'll have more giveaways next week!!
GIVEAWAY DETAILS: I will be giving away to TWO winners. Each winner will get either the Travel or the Kitchen set. I'll pick a winner at random using the contest picker from the comments in this post. Just comment on this blog post to win and don't forget to leave me a way to contact you in your comment if your profile doesn't have that information! We'll run the contest to Saturday and I'll select a winner Saturday evening!
PS - These kits are available to buy on the Dimensions web site and I found them on 1-2-3 Stitch as well.
Before I get to the giveaway details I wanted to share something with you!
When I was down in Orlando recently my mom came across an embroidery project that I made when I was 6 years old....... Here it is:
I did a napkin with the letter C and a beaded smiley face in the C and then also a couple of stitched hearts, with additional beading of course! How funny that stitched hearts are still one of my favorite things to draw and embroider!
OK so now for the giveaway details!!
First the goodies!
I have two embroidery kits on the out with Dimensions/EK Success. A "House Warming" set and a "Travel/Places" set. They come with the thread and iron ons and everything you need to get you started embroidering (except for the hoop!)!
UPDATE: WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!! Congratulations to Traci #76 and Panda's Rock #44. I'll be emailing you to get your address or feel free to please contact me so I can get you your prize!! thanks for playing everyone!! We'll have more giveaways next week!!
GIVEAWAY DETAILS: I will be giving away to TWO winners. Each winner will get either the Travel or the Kitchen set. I'll pick a winner at random using the contest picker from the comments in this post. Just comment on this blog post to win and don't forget to leave me a way to contact you in your comment if your profile doesn't have that information! We'll run the contest to Saturday and I'll select a winner Saturday evening!
PS - These kits are available to buy on the Dimensions web site and I found them on 1-2-3 Stitch as well.
easy peeled paint look
Here's an oldie but goodie technique that I wanted to share with you again! It's easy to create a faux peeled
paint look using Ranger's Perfect Medium (or the Watermark Resist Pad) and Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paints.
Here I am painting a Maya Road chipboard house with Claudine Hellmuth Studio Modern Red before starting the resist. You could do this on any non-porous surface, painted papers, painted cigarbox, chipboard, painted canvas etc. In order for the technique to work you'll need to paint your surface first either with color acrylic paint or Claudine Hellmuth Studio Multi-Medium, or Gesso so that way you start with a sealed surface.
Using the corner of the Perfect Medium Pad, (or use the Ranger watermark resist pad) wipe over the house shape in a few places to create a streaky look. You could also stamp an image with the pad to make a resist image!
It should look like this. With a few streaks of resist ink around the house shape. Make sure not to put it everywhere and DO NOT dry it at this step!!

Quickly paint over the entire house shape using watered down paint. I like to make the paint the consistency of heavy cream. Do not dry the resist or allow it to sit for a long time before painting over or it wont work. Here I used Claudine Hellmuth Studio in Painterly Pink You will notice that the paint resists and makes a peeled paint look.
It's an easy and quick way to create an aged effect!

Here I am painting a Maya Road chipboard house with Claudine Hellmuth Studio Modern Red before starting the resist. You could do this on any non-porous surface, painted papers, painted cigarbox, chipboard, painted canvas etc. In order for the technique to work you'll need to paint your surface first either with color acrylic paint or Claudine Hellmuth Studio Multi-Medium, or Gesso so that way you start with a sealed surface.

Quickly paint over the entire house shape using watered down paint. I like to make the paint the consistency of heavy cream. Do not dry the resist or allow it to sit for a long time before painting over or it wont work. Here I used Claudine Hellmuth Studio in Painterly Pink You will notice that the paint resists and makes a peeled paint look.
It's an easy and quick way to create an aged effect!
Labels: Claudine Hellmuth Studio, free tutorial
sweet treats scrapbooking
The oh so talented May Flaum used my new HSN Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit in a really cute layout. Thanks May!
Here's what she created:
I was excited to see how great the chipboard pieces looked on the brown kraft paper. Lovely!!
She added one of the bows from the kit to the dog's collar and she used a banner chipboard piece for Ella's name. So cute May!
Don't miss May's blog. Check it out here. Find the Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit on HSN.
Here's what she created:
I was excited to see how great the chipboard pieces looked on the brown kraft paper. Lovely!!
She added one of the bows from the kit to the dog's collar and she used a banner chipboard piece for Ella's name. So cute May!
Don't miss May's blog. Check it out here. Find the Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit on HSN.
Labels: HSN, scrapbooking
new clear stamps video
Thanks to ScrapTime for filming a little demo of me creating a card at the CHA Winter show using my new Clear Stamps with Stampers Anonymous!
My new stamp collection is now available! You can find them on the Stampers Anonymous web site, and on Ellen Hutson, and don't forget to ask your local craft store to carry them too!!
FTC Disclosure: some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, I will earn a small referral fee. I appreciate your clicks and support!
My new stamp collection is now available! You can find them on the Stampers Anonymous web site, and on Ellen Hutson, and don't forget to ask your local craft store to carry them too!!
Labels: Claudine Hellmuth Studio, stamping
sweet treats cards
At the CHA winter show I fell in love with Ryann Salamon's clean and beautiful card designs. So I am jumping up and down with excitement that she used my new HSN Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit to create 3 beautiful cards, and she blogged them, here, here and here!!
This little birthday cake from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit looks too cute paired with the chevron stamp and the natural cardstock! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
Check out this cutie! I love how she used the Just Married car from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit and then added the little cans with the baker's twine. I never would have thought of that! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
In this card Ryann used the frame and the cake from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit and whipped up the most darling birthday card! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
Don't miss more of Ryann's lovely work here on her fabulous blog!
This little birthday cake from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit looks too cute paired with the chevron stamp and the natural cardstock! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
Check out this cutie! I love how she used the Just Married car from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit and then added the little cans with the baker's twine. I never would have thought of that! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
In this card Ryann used the frame and the cake from my Sweet Treats Chipboard Kit and whipped up the most darling birthday card! Details of items used in this card on Ryann's blog here.
Don't miss more of Ryann's lovely work here on her fabulous blog!
Labels: card making, cards, HSN
flower garden tutorial
Don't miss this super cute Sticky Back Canvas flower tutorial using Claudine Hellmuth Studio Sticky Back Canvas and Paints over at the Homeketeers Blog!
Big thanks to Jessica Acs for using my Ranger products in her fantastic tutorial! OK now I'm ready for Spring!
Big thanks to Jessica Acs for using my Ranger products in her fantastic tutorial! OK now I'm ready for Spring!
Labels: Claudine Hellmuth Studio, free tutorial, Ranger
doodles unleashed
We have a giveaway today! I'm excited to be the next stop on my good friend Traci Bautista's blog book tour and share the news about the release of her fabulous new book, Doodles Unleashed: Mixed Media Techniques for Doodling, Mark-Making and Lettering.
Here’s the scoop on Doodles Unleashed -- With Doodles Unleashed, you’ll discover wildly new ways to bring doodling center-stage! Traci Bautista teaches you how to use doodling as a meditative exercise, a raw form of expression and a vehicle for telling your personal story. Work with an arsenal of creative tools, from markers, pencils and pens to stamps, stencils, inks and paints, to find unique, intuitive ways to make your mark.
Sounds like FUN!!! I love to doodle and this book from Traci is fabulous! Paint, papers and doodles! What could be better! yum!
And Traci has a giveaway for you! I'm giving away 2 kits of her Doodles Unleashed digital collage kit. It’s a 6-page printable with various images, art journaling cards and collage sheets!
To enter to win one of Traci's Doodles Unleashed digital collage kits leave a comment in this blog post (don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you) and I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday at 5pm EST. YAY I love a giveaway!!
To order Traci’s new book Doodles Unleashed, click here. To order a signed copy -- which includes a few other goodies as well - click here! And don't miss Traci's Doodles online workshop here!
DON'T MISS THIS -- After you leave a comment on this blog post, hop on over to Traci's blog to leave a comment and enter to win a BIG GOODIE grand prize including some of my Studio products with Ranger!
PLEASE NOTE: thanks for entering the giveaway! Just to clarify the giveaway is for Traci's fabulous Doodles Unleashed digital collage kit, not her book. Her book has been so popular she's clear out of giveaway copies, but she's generously offered to giveaway two sets of the Digital Kits. It’s a 6-page printable with various images, art journaling cards and collage sheets! Exciting stuff! thanks Traci!!
Here’s the scoop on Doodles Unleashed -- With Doodles Unleashed, you’ll discover wildly new ways to bring doodling center-stage! Traci Bautista teaches you how to use doodling as a meditative exercise, a raw form of expression and a vehicle for telling your personal story. Work with an arsenal of creative tools, from markers, pencils and pens to stamps, stencils, inks and paints, to find unique, intuitive ways to make your mark.
Sounds like FUN!!! I love to doodle and this book from Traci is fabulous! Paint, papers and doodles! What could be better! yum!
And Traci has a giveaway for you! I'm giving away 2 kits of her Doodles Unleashed digital collage kit. It’s a 6-page printable with various images, art journaling cards and collage sheets!
To enter to win one of Traci's Doodles Unleashed digital collage kits leave a comment in this blog post (don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you) and I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday at 5pm EST. YAY I love a giveaway!!
To order Traci’s new book Doodles Unleashed, click here. To order a signed copy -- which includes a few other goodies as well - click here! And don't miss Traci's Doodles online workshop here!
DON'T MISS THIS -- After you leave a comment on this blog post, hop on over to Traci's blog to leave a comment and enter to win a BIG GOODIE grand prize including some of my Studio products with Ranger!
PLEASE NOTE: thanks for entering the giveaway! Just to clarify the giveaway is for Traci's fabulous Doodles Unleashed digital collage kit, not her book. Her book has been so popular she's clear out of giveaway copies, but she's generously offered to giveaway two sets of the Digital Kits. It’s a 6-page printable with various images, art journaling cards and collage sheets! Exciting stuff! thanks Traci!!
UPDATE! we have our TWO winners!! Congrats to Jenn and Angela!
thanks everyone for playing!
I've got another giveaway planned soon!
HSN recap
I'm still recovering from my exciting day at HSN on Tuesday! This was my second time presenting at HSN and I had three new kits in addition to the kits I launched in February.
I felt much more at home on this trip as I knew where everything was: the makeup room, the storage room, where to get my tables to set up and where the hotel is etc.
Here's a screen shot of me when I was on air with Shivan Sarna with my Pop Art Sticker kit! This one was selling fast. I had only been on air for a couple minutes and already over 500 were sold! That was very thrilling!

I also had my first caller in this segment. Which was fun too. Hi Evelyn! I'll always remember you as my first call-in! I still have more work to do until I get my presentation down pat. The producer reminded me I need to look at the front facing cameras more. There is so much going on with talking to the host, the 4 cameras in front and the producer talking into the ear piece -- it really is a challenge to do everything at the right time and manage to form complete sentences! So I'll be working on looking at the cameras more next time and we'll can see if I do better.
here's the video of the Pop Art Stickers from HSN:
This trip I also got to hang out with my friend Brenda Pinnick, she was there launching her new line. Anna Griffin was the Today's Special which means she had to go on every hour for nearly 24 hours. I don't know how she was still standing by the end of the day! In the green room I got to chit chat with the wonderful people at Epiphany Crafts. My absolute favorite part about working with HSN and going down there for these trips are the people I meet in the greenroom. There is a great feeling of camaraderie - we're all in it together working on lack of sleep and lots of caffeine!
Here's a video of the Whimsical Woodworks kit:
In this video you can see the tree that I made to hang all the wood pieces from as a display. I bought the branches from Home Goods and then I had to cut them down in my parent's garage to get them to fit into the vase. I accidentally sprinkled glitter all over my parent's garage in the process but I got most of it up again. Then my Mom and I spent all day coloring and hanging the pieces on there. It was worth the effort, it looked great on camera!
For some reason they didn't put my card kit video on youtube. But you can watch it on HSN just click the link under the product image on the left!
And here's my own preview video of the card kit:
There is so much I love about this new adventure with HSN. The team that I work with to manufacture the product are the nicest, creative and fun group of people, they keep me going through all the long nights and weekend designing the kits. I love creating the kits and the product development. I'm getting the opportunity to use my illustrations and drawings in a new way and I am drawing so much more now to create the kits and that is so much fun! Working on the package design with the amazing templates that Pulsar provides, is a total thrill and something that I never thought I would get to do - my favorite so far - the Pop Art Sticker kit Suitcase! I love getting to work on the table displays when I'm getting ready for my segments - it brings out the inner window dresser in me. And learning to present on live television is stretching me in new ways.
This whole adventure has been a leap of faith and I thank everyone for your sweet facebook messages and tweets cheering me on! It's a challenge to put yourself out there where people will comment on what you say, how you look and what your artwork/products are like. And I so appreciate your support!
I felt much more at home on this trip as I knew where everything was: the makeup room, the storage room, where to get my tables to set up and where the hotel is etc.
Here's a screen shot of me when I was on air with Shivan Sarna with my Pop Art Sticker kit! This one was selling fast. I had only been on air for a couple minutes and already over 500 were sold! That was very thrilling!

I also had my first caller in this segment. Which was fun too. Hi Evelyn! I'll always remember you as my first call-in! I still have more work to do until I get my presentation down pat. The producer reminded me I need to look at the front facing cameras more. There is so much going on with talking to the host, the 4 cameras in front and the producer talking into the ear piece -- it really is a challenge to do everything at the right time and manage to form complete sentences! So I'll be working on looking at the cameras more next time and we'll can see if I do better.
here's the video of the Pop Art Stickers from HSN:
This trip I also got to hang out with my friend Brenda Pinnick, she was there launching her new line. Anna Griffin was the Today's Special which means she had to go on every hour for nearly 24 hours. I don't know how she was still standing by the end of the day! In the green room I got to chit chat with the wonderful people at Epiphany Crafts. My absolute favorite part about working with HSN and going down there for these trips are the people I meet in the greenroom. There is a great feeling of camaraderie - we're all in it together working on lack of sleep and lots of caffeine!
Here's a video of the Whimsical Woodworks kit:
In this video you can see the tree that I made to hang all the wood pieces from as a display. I bought the branches from Home Goods and then I had to cut them down in my parent's garage to get them to fit into the vase. I accidentally sprinkled glitter all over my parent's garage in the process but I got most of it up again. Then my Mom and I spent all day coloring and hanging the pieces on there. It was worth the effort, it looked great on camera!
For some reason they didn't put my card kit video on youtube. But you can watch it on HSN just click the link under the product image on the left!
And here's my own preview video of the card kit:
There is so much I love about this new adventure with HSN. The team that I work with to manufacture the product are the nicest, creative and fun group of people, they keep me going through all the long nights and weekend designing the kits. I love creating the kits and the product development. I'm getting the opportunity to use my illustrations and drawings in a new way and I am drawing so much more now to create the kits and that is so much fun! Working on the package design with the amazing templates that Pulsar provides, is a total thrill and something that I never thought I would get to do - my favorite so far - the Pop Art Sticker kit Suitcase! I love getting to work on the table displays when I'm getting ready for my segments - it brings out the inner window dresser in me. And learning to present on live television is stretching me in new ways.
This whole adventure has been a leap of faith and I thank everyone for your sweet facebook messages and tweets cheering me on! It's a challenge to put yourself out there where people will comment on what you say, how you look and what your artwork/products are like. And I so appreciate your support!
Labels: HSN
HSN big day tomorrow!!
Tomorrow's the big day! I am on HSN with 3 new kits! I was really excited to see that they are already available online on! I am so excited!!! We created very limited quantities of these kits and when they are sold out we won't be reprinting them, so snap them up now! If you don't want to wait until Tuesday when I am presenting on air you can get them now. yay for internet shopping!
Here are my air times if you are able to tune in to watch. If you don't have HSN on your TV you can watch live online!
7:40am-ish EST Swellsville Card Kit
5:40pm-ish EST Swellsville Card Kit again
5:50pm-ish EST Whimsical Woodworks Kit
6pm-ish ESTPop art Stickers a go-go
And a few preview videos that I created of each kit:
These times could change. I'll post last minute time changes to twitter and facebook. But don't worry if you miss it, all videos will be posted to and you'll the kits are already available to purchase on right now!
Here are my air times if you are able to tune in to watch. If you don't have HSN on your TV you can watch live online!
7:40am-ish EST Swellsville Card Kit
5:40pm-ish EST Swellsville Card Kit again
5:50pm-ish EST Whimsical Woodworks Kit
6pm-ish ESTPop art Stickers a go-go
And a few preview videos that I created of each kit:
Labels: HSN
off to florida!
Today I am on my way down to Florida to spend some much needed time with my Dad after his big heart surgery!
He's doing amazingly well considering he went through open heart surgery for a valve replacement, a bypass, then after surgery nearly died with a collapsed lung and ended up in the ICU for many days!
He's one tough guy and I am looking forward to seeing him, driving him around to his Dr appointments (he's not allowed to drive yet - too many pain killers!) and spending some good family time with my parents!
Here's a picture of my Dad from when he was 34. I love this photo of him check out that retro tie and glasses!!
On Monday I'll also be driving from Orlando to Tampa to prepare for my HSN launch on Tuesday and then back to Orlando again for some family time before heading back to DC!
He's doing amazingly well considering he went through open heart surgery for a valve replacement, a bypass, then after surgery nearly died with a collapsed lung and ended up in the ICU for many days!
He's one tough guy and I am looking forward to seeing him, driving him around to his Dr appointments (he's not allowed to drive yet - too many pain killers!) and spending some good family time with my parents!
Here's a picture of my Dad from when he was 34. I love this photo of him check out that retro tie and glasses!!
On Monday I'll also be driving from Orlando to Tampa to prepare for my HSN launch on Tuesday and then back to Orlando again for some family time before heading back to DC!
new HSN wood kit early preview
Here's a sneak peek of my brand new wood kit launching March 6th on HSN
What's really unique about this kit is there are whimsical laser cut wood pieces that are paired with rub ons so you can add patterns and line drawings directly to the wood pieces for a super cute look!
And of course these wood pieces go great with Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paints, Distress Stains and Markers, and Perfect Pearl mists! You can dress them up as much as you like or leave them "au naturel"! Here's an early preview of what you'll see me showing on HSN March 6th:
If you are reading this blog post from a feed. Click here to watch the video.
We only made a very limited production run of these so when they are gone -- they are gone! Also don't miss my first three kits, which are still available on too. Click here!
Here are my show times for March 6th:
Swellsville Card Kit is scheduled for around 7:40am EST and about 5:40pm EST
Whimsical Woodworks Kit (this kit previewed here) is scheduled for about 5:50pm EST
Pop art Stickers a go-go is scheduled for right at 6pm EST
These times could change. I'll post last minute time changes to twitter and facebook). But don't worry if you miss it, it'll be on and you'll be able to find the kits to purchase on starting March 6th (or earlier) too!
UPDATE: All my kits are already on right now! woo hoo!!
I'll be updating down to the minute on twitter and facebook and posting behind the scenes info and pics too! It's going to be a long but exciting day!
What's really unique about this kit is there are whimsical laser cut wood pieces that are paired with rub ons so you can add patterns and line drawings directly to the wood pieces for a super cute look!
And of course these wood pieces go great with Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paints, Distress Stains and Markers, and Perfect Pearl mists! You can dress them up as much as you like or leave them "au naturel"! Here's an early preview of what you'll see me showing on HSN March 6th:
If you are reading this blog post from a feed. Click here to watch the video.
We only made a very limited production run of these so when they are gone -- they are gone! Also don't miss my first three kits, which are still available on too. Click here!
Here are my show times for March 6th:
Swellsville Card Kit is scheduled for around 7:40am EST and about 5:40pm EST
Whimsical Woodworks Kit (this kit previewed here) is scheduled for about 5:50pm EST
Pop art Stickers a go-go is scheduled for right at 6pm EST
These times could change. I'll post last minute time changes to twitter and facebook). But don't worry if you miss it, it'll be on and you'll be able to find the kits to purchase on starting March 6th (or earlier) too!
UPDATE: All my kits are already on right now! woo hoo!!
I'll be updating down to the minute on twitter and facebook and posting behind the scenes info and pics too! It's going to be a long but exciting day!
Labels: HSN
new HSN 3d sticker kit early preview
Another HSN sneak peek today! Here's a little preview of my brand new 3-d Sticker kit also launching March 6th on HSN.
Not only is this kit layered with so many details, but it comes in the cutest little suitcase storage box that I am in love with!
Here's an early preview of what you'll see me showing on HSN March 6th:
If you are reading this blog post from a feed. Click here to watch the video.
Like my other exclusive kits for HSN, we only printed this kit in very limited quantities so grab 'em while you can!
Here are my show times for March 6th:
Swellsville Card Kit is scheduled for around 7:40am EST and about 5:40pm EST
Whimsical Woodworks Kit is scheduled for about 5:50pm EST
Pop art Stickers a go-go (this kit previewed here) is scheduled for right at 6pm EST
These times could change. I'll post last minute time changes to twitter and facebook). But don't worry if you miss it, it'll be on and you'll be able to find the kits to purchase on starting March 6th (or earlier) too!
My first three kits are still available in limited quantities on too. Click here!
I'll be sharing anther preview tomorrow! see you then!
Not only is this kit layered with so many details, but it comes in the cutest little suitcase storage box that I am in love with!
Here's an early preview of what you'll see me showing on HSN March 6th:
If you are reading this blog post from a feed. Click here to watch the video.
Like my other exclusive kits for HSN, we only printed this kit in very limited quantities so grab 'em while you can!
Here are my show times for March 6th:
Swellsville Card Kit is scheduled for around 7:40am EST and about 5:40pm EST
Whimsical Woodworks Kit is scheduled for about 5:50pm EST
Pop art Stickers a go-go (this kit previewed here) is scheduled for right at 6pm EST
These times could change. I'll post last minute time changes to twitter and facebook). But don't worry if you miss it, it'll be on and you'll be able to find the kits to purchase on starting March 6th (or earlier) too!
My first three kits are still available in limited quantities on too. Click here!
I'll be sharing anther preview tomorrow! see you then!
Labels: HSN