good bye friday
Today was a bit of a sad day. My Dad's kitty Friday went over the rainbow bridge this morning. Friday was either 20 or 21 depending on who you ask in our family :) Mom thinks he was 20, Dad and I like to think he was 21. He is already missed.

I found Friday on a Friday morning in 1987 when I was 12, he was already about a year old. It was the first week of 7th grade and he appeared one day at the bus stop. I decided we would call him Friday until we thought of a better name - we never did. He was my first found kitty in what will probably be a long history of finding homeless cats!

I remember bringing him in the house and he freaked out, running behind all the furniture, couldn't wait to escape. So we started feeding him outside. In the winter he would venture in and sleep on my Dad's favorite leather chair for a few days then get really anxious to be let out. We tried for years to make him an indoor cat but he would have none of it! He would get really nasty if we kept him in too long! Finally when he was 16 he was ready to live inside and enjoy retirement and he spent the last remaining years enjoying lounging in the sun, my Mom and Dad at his beck and call.

As all pets are loved, they are also mile markers in our lives. Friday was there for for me through more than half my life: middle school, first boyfriends, highschool, college, my first jobs, my marriage. I miss you already big boy!


I'm sorry know I understand...Andra
I'm so sorry to hear about your family's kitty. It sounds like he had a great life. And I know that you're thinking about your sweet little Maggie, too. I still miss my kitty who looked much like Friday and Maggie, too.
I'm so sorry to hear about dear Friday. He certainly led a good long life. 21 years old is a long daughter is 23! Isn't it hard to lose the furry members of our families? Friday reminds me of our Midnight, who lost his brother Bootsy several months ago.
I am sorry that you had to say good bye to your kitty.
I am sorry about Friday.
Dear Claudine,

please let your prents know how sad I am for them in their loss. I know they love kitties as much as you do. He looks like he was a very handsome man!

Bow Wow & Meow Pet Sitting
I'm so sorry about Friday's passing. He looked and sounded like a sweet kitty. :)
Thank you Claudine for such a wonderful tribute to Friday - you are a truly eloquent writer. The first night and morning without Friday have been very sad but we console ourselves with all the thoughtful messages we have received. All his food is packed up and ready to give to less fortunate kitties. Seems so strange to go into the kitchen and not see his water bowl there. We'll have to see more of Mable and Stan to get our kitty-fix.

Love mummy
Sweet little Friday. I'll tell Abby to look for him and welcome him to the bridge. What a wonderful long life he had! xo
Oh my...
I am so sorry.

I truly understand the sadness of loosing a kitty.

My thoughts are with you on this Thursday.

j a n e
1987 - WOW...20 years of wonderful Friday memories. That is amazing. I too know the loss of a beloved pet...thinking of you and your parents.
So sorry to hear about Friday. I understand. I just lost my little Fred on Valentine's day. She had cancer. I'm sure he'll be keeping an eye on you all!
So sad Claudine to hear of Friday's passing...I truly understand the depth of you and your family's grieving
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty! Our cat recently went over the rainbow ridge too and it's so hard to let go. Out pets are such a part of our families.
i can tell Friday was a very special kitty. so cool to hear someone else recognize the rainbow bridge:)
That's so sad! It's always hard to see one of your pets go...especially after such a long time...
I like the fact that he turned up at the bus stop though!:o)
I'm catching up on my blogging and just read this entry. I'm so sorry to hear about Friday. My heart goes out to you and your family.
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