project runway finale
So it's Jeffrey! I had a feeling it would be! Last night it was such fun watching the show. We were up really late watching both the 10pm and 12am airing!
We all thought it was a toss up between Laura, Uli and Jeff. But we all guessed Jeffrey because his was the most edgy and the judges love edgy! I think all of them will have great careers ahead in fashion because all of the collections were wonderful.

We all thought it was a toss up between Laura, Uli and Jeff. But we all guessed Jeffrey because his was the most edgy and the judges love edgy! I think all of them will have great careers ahead in fashion because all of the collections were wonderful.
We didn't get to play the garbage bag game, Martha and Larry were coming in from Birmingham and raced in while the finale was playing. But we did get to play the trivia game that Paul created, he did such a good job coming up with questions!
OK here are 7 of our favorites that Paul came up with, just for the record John won with Lynn coming in a close second. They know their PR Trivia!
1) Season 2 - While wearing their newly acquired gaudy skating outfits, the designers learned that they had to consider performance AND appearance when constructing their garments. What famous athlete were the designers asked to dress?
2) Season 2 - Episode eight was all about inspiration. Each designer was given a digital camera and sent out into the city to try to find one image that would spark their creativity. What unlikely object did Andrae choose to work from?
3) Season 1 - what deadly sin was the inspiration for the second challenge on "episode two"?
4) Season 1 - which designer visited the hospital to get their scalp stapled?
5) During Season 3's reunion episode Tim Gunn reveals he likes to do which hobby?
6) Season 2 - Santino Rice did a hilarious impression of Tim Gunn at which restaurant?
7)Season 1 - Wendy Pepper was upset because one of the designers did what to her daughter's picture?
Post your answers in the comments if you like!
Labels: project runway
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I'm glad you had a fun night. :)
I was sad the Jeffrey won. He is not my fav designer or person...(I was never able to get over how mean he was to Angela's mother) I was hoping Uli would pull an upset :).
I think they will all be successful, I'm still hoping for an update Project Jay.
I was sad the Jeffrey won. He is not my fav designer or person...(I was never able to get over how mean he was to Angela's mother) I was hoping Uli would pull an upset :).
I think they will all be successful, I'm still hoping for an update Project Jay.
You really called it! The so-called scandal didn't add up to much...and you were right about Jeffrey. I thought either Jeffrey or Uli would win. I have to admit, I hated Jeffery in the beginning but had softened on him by the end. I'd been rooting for Uli since the Miss America I was happy she came in 2nd. (Now I have to rent seasons 1 & 2 on DVD! My mom & I are hooked! Even though she had to be up at 3:30, she stayed up last night to watch with me! We can't wait for the next season!)
1) Season 2 - What famous athlete were the designers asked to dress? some tiny girl
2) Season 2 - What unlikely object did Andrae choose to work from? gutter water
3) Season 1 - what deadly sin was the inspiration for the second challenge on "episode two"? No idea
4) Season 1 - which designer visited the hospital to get their scalp stapled? Oh, I must not have been watching!
5) During Season 3's reunion episode Tim Gunn reveals he likes to do which hobby? Painting
6) Season 2 - Santino Rice did a hilarious impression of Tim Gunn at which restaurant? Red Lobstah
7)Season 1 - Wendy Pepper was upset because one of the designers did what to her daughter's picture? Drew a mustache on her
I didn't like Jeffrey's clothes. and they weren't edgy. everyone but Laura disappointed. This season they could sew but little else. Uli bored me to tears.
2) Season 2 - What unlikely object did Andrae choose to work from? gutter water
3) Season 1 - what deadly sin was the inspiration for the second challenge on "episode two"? No idea
4) Season 1 - which designer visited the hospital to get their scalp stapled? Oh, I must not have been watching!
5) During Season 3's reunion episode Tim Gunn reveals he likes to do which hobby? Painting
6) Season 2 - Santino Rice did a hilarious impression of Tim Gunn at which restaurant? Red Lobstah
7)Season 1 - Wendy Pepper was upset because one of the designers did what to her daughter's picture? Drew a mustache on her
I didn't like Jeffrey's clothes. and they weren't edgy. everyone but Laura disappointed. This season they could sew but little else. Uli bored me to tears.
Bravo Paul!
What great trivia questions! Points out the gaps in my memory that is for sure! Dying to get the DVDs for season 1 & 2, but need to be able to see them on a screen bigger than the laptop!
Seeing the collections last night was so interesting - thought they all stayed fairly true to themselves. Somehow the collection failed to draw out what I thought Micheal excelled at most - inovation. Think of the coffee filter dress, recyling dress and the seersucker outfit he made himself! I think when the judges said he has a great future in the business but needs some "maturity" they might have been illuding to that. It seemed he may have fallen back on what he was used to doing for the collection, where as the challenges pushed him to try new things!
After Santino I'd say Jeffery is a charmer! He seems no different than the other 3 in sticking to his own unique ideas and approach to the end.
guess it is on to Top Chef now? I d idn't stay up for the first episode last night - will check it out asap!
What great trivia questions! Points out the gaps in my memory that is for sure! Dying to get the DVDs for season 1 & 2, but need to be able to see them on a screen bigger than the laptop!
Seeing the collections last night was so interesting - thought they all stayed fairly true to themselves. Somehow the collection failed to draw out what I thought Micheal excelled at most - inovation. Think of the coffee filter dress, recyling dress and the seersucker outfit he made himself! I think when the judges said he has a great future in the business but needs some "maturity" they might have been illuding to that. It seemed he may have fallen back on what he was used to doing for the collection, where as the challenges pushed him to try new things!
After Santino I'd say Jeffery is a charmer! He seems no different than the other 3 in sticking to his own unique ideas and approach to the end.
guess it is on to Top Chef now? I d idn't stay up for the first episode last night - will check it out asap!
I am still bummin about Mr. Nasty winning. I was really thinking it would be Uli, but I also LOVED Laura's collection. I can't believe Michael's collection was so boring. Looking forward to next season. Hmmm I think I need to rent seasons 1 and 2 on DVD!
Tough quiz, or is it my memory is not that good? I just watched Season 2 DVD over 2 weekends, so I should be able to get the figure skating one, but I do know that Andrae was inspired by the trocky, dirty grimy sidewalk area. What a beautiful dress he created. I thought he deserved to win that challenge.
I like Jeffrey even wth his attitude problems. I think much can be attributed to lack of experience in dealing with people, and people underestimate the importance of being a good communicator. Art doesn't run the show for long in life - you gotta have other skills too. I think, judging by what I've read, that he learned a lot about himself from watching the show. That's all I can ask, I think.
As for the winner I thought it was going to be a toss-up between Jeffrey and Uli after seeing the Runway show... But, all of them are WINNERS!!!! :)
I like Jeffrey even wth his attitude problems. I think much can be attributed to lack of experience in dealing with people, and people underestimate the importance of being a good communicator. Art doesn't run the show for long in life - you gotta have other skills too. I think, judging by what I've read, that he learned a lot about himself from watching the show. That's all I can ask, I think.
As for the winner I thought it was going to be a toss-up between Jeffrey and Uli after seeing the Runway show... But, all of them are WINNERS!!!! :)
Oh rats... I live in Canada and I guess we're behind up here because it's not over yet, and I just found out who won! But that's ok... I'll still watch it. I love finding out that other people love the show too!
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