crazy busy!
I'm in headless chicken mode, getting home from the trip and getting prepared to leave a week on Saturday for another DVD filming and also workshops in Portland-- all in one trip. I am already having a mental temper tantrum at the thought of having to leave home. It is so great to be back here with Stan and the other fur kids (and of course Paul too!). I think Stan even grew when I was gone, only 3 days but he looks bigger to me! Here's another photo of Stanley because I can't resist!

Today I worked on getting caught up from my trip to CA. Even being gone just 3 days has put me a little behind. I still have quite a few emails to work my way through but I am getting there.
I think that one of the Carol Duvall Show epsiodes that I taped in 2004 must have aired because I have a bunch of emailed questions in my inbox! I went and checked the HGTV web site and sure enough it aired again on Tuesday. Opps I missed it. Oh well I have seen it already and I think it's embarrassing to watch it. I always watch these things with one hand over my face partially hiding my eyes.
I think that one of the Carol Duvall Show epsiodes that I taped in 2004 must have aired because I have a bunch of emailed questions in my inbox! I went and checked the HGTV web site and sure enough it aired again on Tuesday. Opps I missed it. Oh well I have seen it already and I think it's embarrassing to watch it. I always watch these things with one hand over my face partially hiding my eyes.
OK night night! I am going to get to bed to I can hit the ground running tomorrow!
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I can only imagine how hard it is to be so busy when all you really want to do is cuddle with your new kitty! Sounds like the good kind of busy though.
your kitten has the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen! he is adorable and I'm typically a dog-person...but he looks to hard to resist :)
Oh sweetie that Stanley is so cute! I am sorry I have been away so long. You have been in my thoughts! Congratulations on all the new shows! Although, I do think that you should have a show all to yourself and it should be on several times a week and it should be atleast an hour long *smile*
Hugs to you and all of your cuties!
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Hugs to you and all of your cuties!
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