resisting temptation
I have actually managed to get work done today. Not a small feat with a cute little cuddly kitten just begging to be played with! I was very proud of myself that I actually got work done!
I got my 3rd quarter taxes all done, yay! I also worked on commissions, here's a scan of a Poppet® Canvas commission that I just finished. I love the romantic feel of this piece. What a cute couple and their kitties too!
I also got 60lbs of stuff packed up and ready to send off to Portland for my workshops at the Art and Soul convention in a couple weeks (still room in my classes if you want to come and play!)
Between all that, I took Stanley to the vet for his first visit with our vet. He was such a brave boy! So far everything looks good with him. He does have some swelling on his little privates from when he was an orphan, before Bernie got him in her care, his sisters were suckling on him where they shouldn't be. Bernie did warn me about that, and we are on top of it. He's on anti inflammatory meds and it should go down in a couple days. Poor little guy!
OK time for me to play with Stanley again. It's been two hours and I can't wait a minute longer!

I got my 3rd quarter taxes all done, yay! I also worked on commissions, here's a scan of a Poppet® Canvas commission that I just finished. I love the romantic feel of this piece. What a cute couple and their kitties too!
I also got 60lbs of stuff packed up and ready to send off to Portland for my workshops at the Art and Soul convention in a couple weeks (still room in my classes if you want to come and play!)
Between all that, I took Stanley to the vet for his first visit with our vet. He was such a brave boy! So far everything looks good with him. He does have some swelling on his little privates from when he was an orphan, before Bernie got him in her care, his sisters were suckling on him where they shouldn't be. Bernie did warn me about that, and we are on top of it. He's on anti inflammatory meds and it should go down in a couple days. Poor little guy!
OK time for me to play with Stanley again. It's been two hours and I can't wait a minute longer!
Labels: custom artwork
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I'm happy to hear things are going pretty well with cutie patootie Stanley (love that name!) A crazy cat tried to attack Abby & I yesterday. It was quite traumatic. It was seriously charging at me!? Bizarre.
Don't you just love days when you get all of those things checked off of your to-do list? Cute poppet collage -- and even cuter kitty. Stanley is adorable. Lucky ltitle guy to have landed in your animal paradise!!
Stanley is so cute,,,, too sad for Stanleys privates. I hope he is on the mend quickly.
He is so cute and lucky to have you as new owners.
He is so cute and lucky to have you as new owners.
wow claudine, how could you do work with a cute kitten around!? I remember having one of my puppies that needed constant supervision as I would look away for a second and she'd be tearing something apart! Plus they are just so cute! You are one dedicated artist :)
Stanley is precious! He's a little trooper and so lucky to have a good Mommy and a forever home. He & his little sisters must have been soooo hungry; I hope they are adopted too.
I'll be seeing you all next year when Art&Soul comes to the east coast!!
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I'll be seeing you all next year when Art&Soul comes to the east coast!!
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