let's keep the crafty in tv
I was reading this blog and to my dismay found out that DIY is not going to air any more new episodes (or possibly ANY episodes for that matter) of Craft Lab (that's me with Jennifer Perkins hostess of Craft Lab), Uncommon Threads, Stylelicious, and Knitty Gritty!! akkk! Are you kidding me? Word is that the DIY Network is changing it's lineup to be more male oriented with more home improvement shows. blech.
This is a horrible trend that is also happening over at HGTV where they are showing mostly shows about buying or selling houses in lieu of their old line up of crafty goodness.
There is good news though! You can let the DIY network know you want to keep these shows on the schedule. CLICK HERE to send an email to the DIY network letting them know how much you love Craft Lab and the other crafting shows!! It doesn't have to be long, just let them know how much you love these show and how much you would miss them if they are gone. They really listen to viewer emails so if we all email we can make a difference!

This is a horrible trend that is also happening over at HGTV where they are showing mostly shows about buying or selling houses in lieu of their old line up of crafty goodness.
There is good news though! You can let the DIY network know you want to keep these shows on the schedule. CLICK HERE to send an email to the DIY network letting them know how much you love Craft Lab and the other crafting shows!! It doesn't have to be long, just let them know how much you love these show and how much you would miss them if they are gone. They really listen to viewer emails so if we all email we can make a difference!
Labels: tv
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I commented; I just hope it will do some good! I don't want them to drive us to watching Discovery Home, as their lineup isn't as good.
Thank for letting us know. I just emailed them as I'm addicted to Craft Lab - I learn so much from that show.
As if my day wasn't terrible already! I sent a pretty fiesty email... we only get digital cable because of DIY. This stinks. :(
OMG! I am sending them a note ASAP. I work from home and those fun crafting chicks keep me company all day while I'm twittering away on my computer!!! I hate those real estate shows - haven't they heard about the high rate of foreclosures going on?
Oh, Yuck! thanks for telling us this! I pointed out to them that most men who would be intersted in their proposed programming should be out earning a living during the day and that us ladies at home certainly aren't interested in plumbing! Sheesh! Hope they reconsider!
Oh my gosh!!!! No!!!! Thanks so much for letting us know about this. I love, love, LOVE those shows and would be terribly upset to see them taken off the air! I have my DVR set to record Craft Lab so that I never miss a new episode.
Just went and sent DIY a email to let them know how much I'd miss these wonderful shows. Hopefully we'll bombard them with so many emails that they will reconsider. :)
Just went and sent DIY a email to let them know how much I'd miss these wonderful shows. Hopefully we'll bombard them with so many emails that they will reconsider. :)
I was complaining about the same thing. They have already taken off other craft shows and they have always been so inspiring to me. I'm off to leave an email.
Thanks for the knowledge, I emailed them that we are not happy with their last decision about Knitty Gritty and will be further motivated to stop watching DIY alltogether.
Hi Claudine...
I noticed these trends here in Canada too...I will support you in your effort...I love all things crafty and there isn't enough of it on these networks anymore..
I noticed these trends here in Canada too...I will support you in your effort...I love all things crafty and there isn't enough of it on these networks anymore..
i just sent in a letter too, and posted it on my blog. we must unite so they save our favorite shows! thanks for the post and letting us know!
Gah! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I went over and gave them a piece of my mind - and pointed out the untapped market they're abandoning (got to get them where it hurts).
Hey, I saw that Bernie is in the top 3 now! yay!
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Hey, I saw that Bernie is in the top 3 now! yay!
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