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You can never have an excess of birthday cake! More is always better :)
Thanks to Christina for letting me use a super cute photo of herself in this piece!
Labels: illustration friday

Labels: press
Labels: project runway, tv

Labels: custom artwork

And the best part is she is selling prints from her web site and 20% of the proceeds will go to A Place To Bark animal rescue. She also has lots of other paintings and prints available on her web site with all of them going to help animal rescues. Check out her web site here! She does custom work too! Prints need to be ordered by Dec 7th to receive in time for Christmas.
Yay! I can't wait to show this to Mabel when it arrives!
Labels: pets

Labels: custom artwork
Labels: this and that
If Toby ever got out I would be wandering the streets crying and in hysterics until I found him again. I wouldn't be watching TV waiting for a nice neighbor to bring him back and then slam the door in her face. Oh well I did it for the dog. Not for miss mean lady. sheesh. Some people should not own animals. I don't know how Bernie deals with way worse people every single day rescuing all those dogs that she does. Yay for nice people like Bernie!
Labels: pets

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I was thinking what a zoo it must be at the malls today -- everyone in a shopping frenzy buying their Christmas presents. So I created a woman avoiding the zoo and shopping online! I had already created this image as one part of an illustration for Florida Realtor magazine for an article about blogging. So I adjusted it a little bit and viola, she's shopping on amazon.com. (notice how she's on the page for my second book)
Hope all the USAers out there had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. I am still sick and starting to get really annoyed. Going to do a little work today and then snuggle down with a book. Maybe I need more rest to kick this virus.
Labels: illustration friday

It looks like Ricky will be this season's crier. He already teared up a few times. Martha and I have already started calling him "the crier" when we talk on the phone about the show. Not that I would be any better if I were on the show. If I were on the show I would be crying all the time. I don't think I could handle the stress of having to create on demand like that.
Elisa and Sweet Pea managed to pull off a really nice outfit!
Christian and Carmen got together and made an eighties Robert Palmer outfit. Did you notice that Christian and Carmen wear their hair almost exactly the same?
Victorya's outfit won. It was nice and all, but it's the same shapeless tent dress style that she created last week and in the same color (black).
It's already really good and it's only the second episode! I hope that Heidi Klum is not getting tired of doing the show so we can have more seasons. I heard that on Ellen's Show, Heidi was on and Ellen asked her about Project Runway and Heidi said "oh you know, same sh--, different season" Ugh! Way to endorse your show Heidi!
Labels: project runway
I bought this cat tree about a year ago and they love it! It goes from the floor to the ceiling (about 8 ft) and they fight over who gets to sit in the "lookout nest." Stan just got done poking Mabel for about 5 minutes in the hopes he would annoy her enough and she would leave and then he could have her spot. It worked! Just after this photo was taken, she climbed down and he jumped into her warmed-up seat!
Thanks for all the well wishes! Still coughing here. I tried Zicam 8 hour cough relief but it only kinda worked. very annoying. On the plus side, I am getting a good ab workout from all this coughing. So now I don't need to feel guilty about being too sick to do yoga.
Labels: pets
Now it has moved into the coughing stage with uncontrollable coughing fits at night. I had to spend the last couple nights in the guest room so Paul could get some sleep. All of the pets stay with Paul so then I end up all alone in the guestroom and I don't like it. I tried to get Stanley to come in with me but even he thought I was coughing too much.
My sister in-law Maria told me that her grandma used to put Vicks Vapo Rub on her feet (yes her feet!) and then put socks on when she was coughing and that it would help. It sounded weird but I thought hey I'll try it and I did and it seemed to help and at least I have soft feet now!
Yesterday I went on a cleaning spree. Whenever I am sick I feel like everything is dirty so I was like a crazy person cleaning the house. I should have probably been laying in bed but I couldn't control the urge to clean and at least I was being productive!
Today I got a decent amount of art work done and now I am really tired. I think I might have overdone it. I am off to rest! See you tomorrow!
Labels: this and that

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"The woman to catch the bride's bouquet will be the next to marry"
My illustration is supposed to depict the bride about to throw the bouquet but I don't know if it reads that way. I have looked at it for so long (you know when you look at a word too long and then it doesn't look like it is spelled correctly anymore) I started to worry that it might read more like she is catching it. But then I felt too sick from this nasty cold to fuss with it any more.
Never-the-less I was happy I had time and energy to make something new for IF even in my weakened and sickly state! I had fun looking up superstitions to work on this. I never realized how many are part of our daily lives!
Labels: illustration friday
Labels: pets

The BEST part is, we won't just be attending, we'll be judging the "competitions" along with Mount Dora Mayor-elect Melissa DeMarco and Jean Karr (Mount Dora resident who started the Mount Dora Dog Parade 14 years ago).
It's going to be a lot of fun! Some of the contests are: 4 costume contests, best barker and best manners (Toby would never win best manners!) Here's the web site -- if you are local to the area come on out!
Labels: pets

This piece was for a birthday present Kelly -- the cute gal holding the Dr Pepper. The rest of her friends who all meet at the bagel shop pooled together to get her this custom artwork. That's her orange mini on the side! I was worried about fitting in this many people into a composition but it worked out and I really loved working on this piece!
Labels: custom artwork

A few thoughts:
I was a little bummed they didn't give them a more interesting challenge for the first episode. I would have liked something really difficult like the grocery store challenge from season 1.
I was sad that Simone was the one to go, she looked nice, but I figured as much, the judges hate "boring" more than they hate ugly.
Why was Victorya's big silver flower on her dress OK but Rami's flower was too "mother of the bride"?
Elisa should be interesting to watch with all her unusual sewing techniques and arty talk.
Please lordy don't tell me lamb chop sleeves are making a comeback. They all seemed to like Christian's outfit. And said how "volume" is in again. Do I need to stock up on non-shoulder padded jackets so I have something to wear?
Labels: project runway
Labels: project runway, tv
Labels: project runway, tv

Here's what I did:
• worked just a little a bit Saturday on custom artwork orders
• spent Friday with my 2nd cousin from England who I hadn't seen since I was 7 !
• went to the Magic game with Paul ( we noticed Tiger Woods sitting court side)
• watched The Station Agent (loved, loved, loved)
• ate Thai food Friday night! yay!
• went to the Festival of the Masters at Disney and the Folk Art Festival at the House of Blues
• enjoyed the perfect weather 75 and sunny all weekend. ahhh!
• now we'll watch watch The Amazing Race with our neighbors and eat chocolate chip cookies. yum!
see you tomorrow!
Labels: this and that

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This is a piece that I created for another project with another theme(my new book coming out in late 2008!) But I think this piece works for IF. You can play musical scales on a violin. This is actually a portrait of myself as a little girl. I was a very bad violin player. My interest didn't last long, only long enough to make it to the first recital where I ended up tangling the bow with the violin and making a big mess!
Bonus points to anyone who can guess what the song is on the black board behind me :)
Labels: illustration friday

Labels: shopping

I am sad there is no Pushing Daises on tonight. I think the CMA awards are on instead. I am going to wrap up a few business/computer things I need to get done and then I'm off to bed! See you tomorrow!
Labels: custom artwork
I just caught Mabel joining him -- seems she only just discovered the super soft napping goodness!
Labels: pets
I did take a little break -- Suze Weinberg stopped by earlier today, she's in town with her daughter and her grandson visiting Disney World. It was super nice to see her and catch up!

Here's a custom artwork order that I just finished up and is on its way to this cute gal who is opening her own coffee shop!
Back to work! I have a little bit more to get done today to stay on schedule for this week.
Labels: custom artwork, this and that
Labels: this and that
Labels: this and that
This morning, the cable guy comes over and we tell him we think it's the modem that's acting haywire. He says "oh no way this brand modem last forever and never breaks"
He goes outside, messes around comes back in and tells us it's fixed. Then he leaves. We go to check it and it's not fixed. Akkk! The horror! We knew if we had to call the call center again it would be days and days before they would send someone back.
So Paul runs out in the street to try and flag him down. He's left. Then we remembered that he called my cell phone earlier to tell us he was on his way. ha! Yay for "the call list" on cell phones! We called him back and told him it was not fixed.
He was reluctant to come back, telling us we just need to reboot (which I knew was untrue). I pleaded and explained how Paul is taking online classes and must have it fixed by the weekend. So he came back. Guess what! It was our modem that was broken. ha! We were right. hooray! And now Paul can do his school work this weekend. Whew!
Labels: tech support