guilty pleasure
I said I wasn't going to watch American Idol anymore but here I am.
It's Valentine's Day night and Paul and I are snuggled down, with hot chocolate, watching these people make fools of themselves and laughing our heads off.
I can't believe some of these people. I imagine some of them are good singers, but right now we haven't seen any. Did you see the cowboys? They were horrible!
I managed to make a big dent in all the work I have to get done, so I'm feeling a little better. I always feel frantic when I come home from a trip -- wanting to get caught up on everything at once.
Ok back to email for me!
Hope everyone had a special Valentine's day!

It's Valentine's Day night and Paul and I are snuggled down, with hot chocolate, watching these people make fools of themselves and laughing our heads off.
I can't believe some of these people. I imagine some of them are good singers, but right now we haven't seen any. Did you see the cowboys? They were horrible!
I managed to make a big dent in all the work I have to get done, so I'm feeling a little better. I always feel frantic when I come home from a trip -- wanting to get caught up on everything at once.
Ok back to email for me!
Hope everyone had a special Valentine's day!
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Claudine! I just had to tell lyou that Gre LOVED his V-Day poppet commision piece. He wants to take it to work to show everyone. Thank you so much for the great job you did. It makes us smile each time we look at it and we get giggles over the pets in their head gear.
yay! so glad the Valentin Poppet(tm) commission was a success! You guys are so cute it was easy to create a fun piece!
claudine xxxox
yay! so glad the Valentin Poppet(tm) commission was a success! You guys are so cute it was easy to create a fun piece!
claudine xxxox
Saw your work for the first time yesterday afternoon on my sister's blog. Bought two of your books last night. Now I'll sit patiently and wait to see if you ever teach a class in the Virginia area. Also considering a commission piece for our 10th anniversary in June. Would love to see more of your work!
thank you! I loved working on that piece for Heather! you can see more of my commissions on my web site at:
Hope you enjoy the books! I started a tech support group if you have any questions about the techniques, here's the link if you'd like to join:
I won't be in VA this year, the closest I'll get is a workshop that is still pending in Raleigh NC. I'll put it on my web site as soon as it is ready :)
thanks again! And thanks to Heather for talking about my commissions on her blog! yay!
thank you! I loved working on that piece for Heather! you can see more of my commissions on my web site at:
Hope you enjoy the books! I started a tech support group if you have any questions about the techniques, here's the link if you'd like to join:
I won't be in VA this year, the closest I'll get is a workshop that is still pending in Raleigh NC. I'll put it on my web site as soon as it is ready :)
thanks again! And thanks to Heather for talking about my commissions on her blog! yay!
opps! duh, the yahoo group link didn't paste. that's what i get for being in a hurry!
here is the link to the yahoo group that is my tech support group for the books and dvds:
have a great day!
claudine xxxox
here is the link to the yahoo group that is my tech support group for the books and dvds:
have a great day!
claudine xxxox
Idol is difficult to turn away from...Hubby and I started watching it a couple of weeks ago when they were doing those prelim auditions...It amazes me that some of these people really believe they should be superstars! Sad....
Just so Heather doesn't wonder what is going on, my sister is actually grrlTravels. Can't wait to get my hands on those books, Amazon shipped them today. Raleigh is only a couple of hours away!
Hi Claudine!
I took your class at Art&Soul in Hampton VA and have been keeping up with your work and travels since. When I saw Raleigh on your blog, I was so excited, I must tell you that it is a marvelous place to visit and you will be very busy. There are so many of us here who would love to see you again and take another class!
Suzanne G in NC
I took your class at Art&Soul in Hampton VA and have been keeping up with your work and travels since. When I saw Raleigh on your blog, I was so excited, I must tell you that it is a marvelous place to visit and you will be very busy. There are so many of us here who would love to see you again and take another class!
Suzanne G in NC
I am getting ready to submit my classes to the Raleigh, the event is Nov so I'll put it on my site as soon as it is confirmed.
Any suggestions on what you'd like me to teach there? Check my workshop page for class descriptions and let me know:
look forward to seeing you in NC.
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I am getting ready to submit my classes to the Raleigh, the event is Nov so I'll put it on my site as soon as it is confirmed.
Any suggestions on what you'd like me to teach there? Check my workshop page for class descriptions and let me know:
look forward to seeing you in NC.
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