the three amigos
Hi there! Paul here again sending you an update. Claudine's friend Leslie emailed a picture of Claudine, Lesley and Nina at Asilomar from her camera phone. It looks like a beautiful place. She said everything is going smoothly. I told her about all the great comments to the blog entries and she was thrilled! Mostly we chatted about our pets. Toby's eye infection flared up again the other day but it's clearing up due to a liberal dose of eye ointment! Is everyone ready for Runway tonight? I don't think I can stay up that late but feel free to comment about the show. Hope you all have a great night! Only 2 more days until Claudine gets back! YAY!

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hi Paul!
great to see the gals having such a perfect California visit! Bet they have a lot of happy workshop takers also!
glad to hear Toby's eye is doing better - how is his tummy this week? so are your kitties as active as the photos you shared from Flickr?
looking forward to PR tonight - it has been a day. A great distraction is in order!
great to see the gals having such a perfect California visit! Bet they have a lot of happy workshop takers also!
glad to hear Toby's eye is doing better - how is his tummy this week? so are your kitties as active as the photos you shared from Flickr?
looking forward to PR tonight - it has been a day. A great distraction is in order!
you will like the Runway tonight perhaps??!! {i'm MST} - i'd rather have paul's recap instead - tee, hee! looking forward to it!
look! claudine looks like she's having a blast! and the weather looks superb!
thanks for the udpates paul! hugs to the furry ones - get better toby!
look! claudine looks like she's having a blast! and the weather looks superb!
thanks for the udpates paul! hugs to the furry ones - get better toby!
Toby's tummy is much, much better, thanks for asking! He's eating well and is enjoying his raw food diet. He is his usual self, acting like a grouchy old man!
It is So lovely to you all three of you... What a great photo! I will see you in Port Townsend soon.
J a n e W y n n
J a n e W y n n
hi claudine.............unrelated to the great photo of the three of you, i am hoping you look at this web site about animals and is currently art exhibit in santa monica...the web site is the flash web site is the one you want to look at....i sent a note in your blog yesterday and it was erased, being your a great animal lover you will be amazed.....minnie
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