hello there birdy!
It was supposed to be a restful day... which it was for the most part. But then this evening a teeny tiny bird changed all our Friday night moving watching plans. While I was walking Toby a little baby Mocking bird dropped right out of his nest and fell practically at my feet. oh gosh! And a thunderstorm was coming! Yipes!
As soon as I saw it I rushed Toby back in the house and grabbed a ladder and gloves and a box. I tried putting the little guy back in the nest but he would have none of it and climbed back out again, so I put him in the box and ran back to the house.
I remembered that my friend Martha knew of a lady that took in injured and orphaned birds so I called her and luckily she was home and had the number handy. When I first called Ann Young, aka "the bird lady" she asked me a list of questions to determine the age of the bird and then said to try to let the little guy hop around and see if his mommy and daddy came back, then if that didn't work after 30 minutes to bring him in. So after an agonizing 30 minutes watching this little birdy we put him back in his cozy box and drove the 45 minutes to the bird lady's house.
As soon as we got there, Ann took him into her arms and gave him medicine and food while she and checked him all over for injury. Once he was deemed well enough to be with the other baby birds she found a cage with baby mockingbirds, plopped him in and he snuggled up right away with the other babies. It was so heartwarming!
Ann Young (no web site) is an amazing woman who dedicates every spare minute to taking care of birds so that they can be rehabilitated and released -- an incredible person who looks after god's creatures like my friend Bernie. We need more people like this in the world.

As soon as I saw it I rushed Toby back in the house and grabbed a ladder and gloves and a box. I tried putting the little guy back in the nest but he would have none of it and climbed back out again, so I put him in the box and ran back to the house.
I remembered that my friend Martha knew of a lady that took in injured and orphaned birds so I called her and luckily she was home and had the number handy. When I first called Ann Young, aka "the bird lady" she asked me a list of questions to determine the age of the bird and then said to try to let the little guy hop around and see if his mommy and daddy came back, then if that didn't work after 30 minutes to bring him in. So after an agonizing 30 minutes watching this little birdy we put him back in his cozy box and drove the 45 minutes to the bird lady's house.
As soon as we got there, Ann took him into her arms and gave him medicine and food while she and checked him all over for injury. Once he was deemed well enough to be with the other baby birds she found a cage with baby mockingbirds, plopped him in and he snuggled up right away with the other babies. It was so heartwarming!
Ann Young (no web site) is an amazing woman who dedicates every spare minute to taking care of birds so that they can be rehabilitated and released -- an incredible person who looks after god's creatures like my friend Bernie. We need more people like this in the world.
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Awwwe, what an adorable little bird! I have a friend who does the same thing. She has about 4 permanent birds (I think they are all parrots), but she is always being given some other bird to nurse back to health. Glad to know this little creature is in good hands.
yeah amazing people! Ann had about 75 birds at her house when we were there, since it's baby season lots of orphaned birds are showing up at her house. Thank goodness she has volunteers to help her out!
yeah amazing people! Ann had about 75 birds at her house when we were there, since it's baby season lots of orphaned birds are showing up at her house. Thank goodness she has volunteers to help her out!
claudine, the bird was in amazing hands by falling in front of YOU...what if it had fallen in front of some ne'er-do-well who didn't give a damn about it?! see? as you and i agree, the universe was watching over things. a happy ending for all! xoxo
I loved your bird story! Years ago my daughter found a turtle dove with a broken wing in our front yard, so we took him to the vet. She said there was no hope and offered to euthanize him for free (!). To make a long story short, we brought him home, named him Samson and barricaded off the kitchen so our dog Lily wouldn't harass him. A couple of weeks later when the weather was warmer, I moved Samson out to the back porch during the day. One morning as I was sitting with him, he chirped twice, flew around joyfully for a couple of minutes and then darted off. What I learned from this is never to assume the worst.
75 birds??? Phew! God Bless her! I was just sitting out on our back porch this evening listening to the birdies singing! Glorious! I hate to think of a Bird Flu for them or us!
I love Birds!! Well you know I love everything fuzzy:)
Good for you!!! Birds are something I only know a little bit about.
Thanks for the sweet comment, I think you're pretty amazing yourself!!
Big HUGs!!!
Good for you!!! Birds are something I only know a little bit about.
Thanks for the sweet comment, I think you're pretty amazing yourself!!
Big HUGs!!!
Every area should have a bird lady, ours is Sylvia Durant who takes any bird, caring for it until ready for release. She never turns away any bird, even pest species - so no-one will be discouraged from bringing a bird to her. Whenever someone takes a bird to her, she welcomes them and shows them around her home, giving information about the birds she has at the time. We have ben lucky enough to see up close some rare and protected birds we would never have seen otherwise. Such generosity of spirit and passion is very inspiring.
Oh, what a great story! I just love mockingbirds, I'm so glad you saved him! And bless the bird lady's heart!
yes! that's just what our bird lady was like! She took us all around her house so we could see all the birdies. And she takes them in 24 hours a day! what an amazing person :)
yes! that's just what our bird lady was like! She took us all around her house so we could see all the birdies. And she takes them in 24 hours a day! what an amazing person :)
What a cutie and what fabulous luck to know of a delightful "bird lady". Fabulous that the two of you were able to save this sweetie!
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