win a pack of sticky-back!
Just for fun! Let's have a giveaway today! Post a comment to be entered to win a pack of Claudine Hellmuth Sticky Back Canvas!
Sticky-Back is my new self adhesive canvas that you can paint, print, sew, stamp, emboss, die cut and more! I tried it in the Cuttlebug at the Ranger offices and it was amazing. I have to get one of those machines!
If you are near Topsfield Mass., Absolutely Everything just got my products in stock! Also available at AC Moore stores everywhere and select Michael's Craft Stores!
Those of you in the Raleigh NC area, I'll be teaching 3 classes at the Jerry's Artarama event Nov 14-16th. They will also have a FREE trade show open to the public and Ranger will be there with all the fabulous Ranger products including stuff from my line!
If you're in the San Jose CA area, Scrap Lovers has my product in their store and also in their online store too!
And a reminder Nov 22nd I'll be doing a demo event at A Happy Stamper in VA!
Post a comment below and I'll select one winner at random on Sunday night to win a free pack of Claudine Hellmuth Studio Sticky Back Canvas!
EDITED SUNDAY Nov 2nd 2:30PM - I'll be picking a winner using the random number generator tonight at 8pm EST. I'll update this blog post with the winner so check back!
WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! Chosen using the Random number generator - Colleen Cavanaugh is the winner of the pack of sticky back canvas! Colleen email me with your address and I will get this out to right away!
Thanks everyone for playing. I'll have more giveaways soon so stay tuned!

Sticky-Back is my new self adhesive canvas that you can paint, print, sew, stamp, emboss, die cut and more! I tried it in the Cuttlebug at the Ranger offices and it was amazing. I have to get one of those machines!
If you are near Topsfield Mass., Absolutely Everything just got my products in stock! Also available at AC Moore stores everywhere and select Michael's Craft Stores!
Those of you in the Raleigh NC area, I'll be teaching 3 classes at the Jerry's Artarama event Nov 14-16th. They will also have a FREE trade show open to the public and Ranger will be there with all the fabulous Ranger products including stuff from my line!
If you're in the San Jose CA area, Scrap Lovers has my product in their store and also in their online store too!
And a reminder Nov 22nd I'll be doing a demo event at A Happy Stamper in VA!
Post a comment below and I'll select one winner at random on Sunday night to win a free pack of Claudine Hellmuth Studio Sticky Back Canvas!
EDITED SUNDAY Nov 2nd 2:30PM - I'll be picking a winner using the random number generator tonight at 8pm EST. I'll update this blog post with the winner so check back!
WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! Chosen using the Random number generator - Colleen Cavanaugh is the winner of the pack of sticky back canvas! Colleen email me with your address and I will get this out to right away!
Thanks everyone for playing. I'll have more giveaways soon so stay tuned!

Labels: Claudine Hellmuth Studio, contest
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Sorry to hear that you have a migraine coming on. Do you have some medicine to catch it before it gets too bad? I truly sympathize.
I would love to win some of your new sticky-back canvas.
Sorry to hear that you have a migraine coming on. Do you have some medicine to catch it before it gets too bad? I truly sympathize.
I would love to win some of your new sticky-back canvas.
Hi Claudine! I've been waiting and waiting for your new products to hit the shelves! I'm so excited to be able to play with it finally. I have lots of photos from your CHA examples. Yea!!!
Michelle D.
Michelle D.
Hi Claudine,
I know Millie Papercrafts on La Brea in Los Angeles just got your sticky back canvas in the other day. They were all very excited about it!!!
I know Millie Papercrafts on La Brea in Los Angeles just got your sticky back canvas in the other day. They were all very excited about it!!!
thought about you guys tonight when they had Orlando coverage on, know you are missing the weather! if I get lucky in your give away we'll send it as a surprise to MI!
best to all at your house!
best to all at your house!
Sweet I would love the chance to try this out I am sure it wont come to Canada anytime soon :)
Check out my blog to see my latest art project for school I am doing a 4 foot by 7 foot self portrait.
I deserve the sticky canvas LOL.
Check out my blog to see my latest art project for school I am doing a 4 foot by 7 foot self portrait.
I deserve the sticky canvas LOL.
Anxiously awaiting the opportunity to play with your new line. Thanks for the chance to win the canvas!
I would love to enter...would love to try this out...I will be looking for it if I don't win..
giveaway at my blog...
giveaway at my blog...
Hi Claudine -- remember me, Sara White -- still the proud owneer of your original "Racing Heart"...? I am so anxious to try the sticky back paper! :) Congrats to you on your move...I hope you are settling in well...I've been following your Blog for quite awhile! You are still my "muse"! Sara
Oooooo! KEWLSVILLE! I've been looking for a product just like this! Can't wait to give it a try.
Thanks, Claudine!
Stacy Alexander
Thanks, Claudine!
Stacy Alexander
I would love to try your sticky back canvas. Love all the new products.
I am so jealous you are in my old neck of the woods. I was born in DC and lived on Jennifer St for about 15 months until my sister was born and then we moved to Virginia.
We were there a couple of years ago to bury my dad at Arlington National. It had been over 20 years since being there but it felt so good to be back home.
Ooh and I still have good friends in Georgetown. Its such a GREAT town.I look forward to hearing about DC through your eyes!
I am so jealous you are in my old neck of the woods. I was born in DC and lived on Jennifer St for about 15 months until my sister was born and then we moved to Virginia.
We were there a couple of years ago to bury my dad at Arlington National. It had been over 20 years since being there but it felt so good to be back home.
Ooh and I still have good friends in Georgetown. Its such a GREAT town.I look forward to hearing about DC through your eyes!
I'm bummed I won't be able to see your demo in Reston. I'm doing a Passion Party that day near Baltimore. Gotta bring home the bacon!
I so love creating canvases as home decor - so the possibilities that your sticky canvases are offering are so cool. I can't wait to try it und put some yummie paint on it and paper :-)
hi claudine,
just to tell everyone here that your canvas is wonderful and so versitile! together with your paints it's so much fun!!!
you know i love your paints! they are so great in my mixed media canvas aert!!! i love them to bits! thank goodness i got some from ranger u! they haven't reached belgium yet!
big hug
just to tell everyone here that your canvas is wonderful and so versitile! together with your paints it's so much fun!!!
you know i love your paints! they are so great in my mixed media canvas aert!!! i love them to bits! thank goodness i got some from ranger u! they haven't reached belgium yet!
big hug
OH I want to give your product a try - how very cool - count me in!!
(keeping fingers crossed)
(keeping fingers crossed)
i really want to try this, so it would be great to win :) i think the idea is great, so i hope my michaels gets your products!
Oh, I hope to win this one. I have been trying to find some of this canvas near me and noone is carrying it here yet! I can wait but I don't want to. LOL please enter me for a chance to win it! Kathy Eddy
Ooooo this is something I really really really NEED to try...!!! Sounds like such an awesome product!!!!
I'm so excited about your new products! And I'm so excited that they'll be available through AC Moore, I thought I'd have to buy them online.
what's the best place to buy online? this looks like a fabulous product, and i can't wait to try it out!
Claudine, hope the migraine isn't too bad this time around! Thanks for a chance to try out your sticky back canvas. Veronica
I would love to try this product I have been on the look out for it locally. I may just need to order some myself.
hey claudine--I'd love to win this to give me something to play with once Jonah goes to sleep at night! :) Thanks for the opportunity! Hope you are feeling better from the migrane and trying to stay warm!
xo- Michelle
xo- Michelle
Ooooh got my fingers crossed! The last of our lss's closed last month and now there isn't anywhere near by to purchase all your yummy new products!
Hi Claudine! I so enjoy your techniques and products! Thanks for offering this giveaway. I know I will love your stickyback canvas! I am anxiously waiting for my LSS to start having it in stock!
Sue in VA
Sue in VA
I'm looking forward to try this! Wish the Michael's in my area had it....not yet! Hope they end up carrying it!
Cool! I just got a Cuttlebug for Christmas (couldn't wait) so I bought it for my husband to give me. I started using it yesterday. Love it. Would love to try the sticky back canvas in it!
hi claudine!
i am so excited about your new products. I love hearing about all the wonderful things you are creating and doing!
i am so excited about your new products. I love hearing about all the wonderful things you are creating and doing!
What a fabulous product, can't wait until Canada gets' em...
PS.. took your Media class at CHA,,,,, it has really made a difference for our new little business...thanks for the great tips!
(been following you on twitter since,,,,)
PS.. took your Media class at CHA,,,,, it has really made a difference for our new little business...thanks for the great tips!
(been following you on twitter since,,,,)
Ouaaaaa incredible all the things it does !!!!
We don't have it in France so sad :-(
Louloupi from France
We don't have it in France so sad :-(
Louloupi from France
i have just been waiting for your prdoucts to hit the shelves..i can't wait to try would be great to win so that i can give it a try
Glad to see your product on the shelves. I'll look for them...of course winning something would be great too! Thanks for the opportunity.
Send me some now please...looking forward to seeing your product line in ALL of the Michael's stores! That's my vision.
I'll be in Virginia the week after your demo at Happy Stamper. Drat! Well, maybe I can win some sticky-back canvas as a consolation prize. :-) Thanks for offering a fun giveaway!
Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! I've recently started working on canvas paper (over the last year) and I absolutely LOVE it! This would make it even easier!
I work a lot in mix media and very excited about your sticky back canvas. Can't wait to be able to purchase some but of course would love to win a package. I have followed you for many years. Nancy
I would love to try this product, as here in Canada they haven't brought out your new line in Ranger
i'm so excited about the chance to work with this sticky back canvas! our michaels store isn't carrying it yet, so i'd love to win a package! thanks for sharing your wonderful artwork and techniques with us!
Hi Claudine....I would be thrilled to win your sticky back canvas since I can't seem to get it here in Canada yet....
Your so sweet to do a give away!!
Your so sweet to do a give away!!
can't wait to see you demo this at angela's in reston, claudine! the chance to see you working in person is so exciting!!!
: )
: )
Hi Claudine,
I love, love LOVE your new products...they are so different than what's out there! I would LOVE to try the sticky back canvas...I can't WAIT to cover my walls with original art! (My husband, CAN wait...or, he THINKS he can!) lol
I love, love LOVE your new products...they are so different than what's out there! I would LOVE to try the sticky back canvas...I can't WAIT to cover my walls with original art! (My husband, CAN wait...or, he THINKS he can!) lol
I would love to have that Sticky Back Canvas! I am taking your class in Raleigh soon and can't wait!
I would love to try your new product, Claudine! IT's not being sold anywhere near me, it would be such a treat!
Claudine, I can't wait to try your sticky back canvas. I can't find it around her so will have to order it online. thanks so much for keeping us informed about your new products, love your art and your blog. Peggy McDevitt
Can't wait to try out your studio line....also saw your new scrapbooking book at Amazon--it came up on my recommended list.
oh Claudine pick me pick me!! No one around me carries it and I would love to get my hands on some to use with your paints that I have!!!!
Hope you and Toby are both feeling better. Would LOVE to have a chance to try out your new Sticky Back Canvas!
Alas there are no AC Moore's around here....and our Michael's is not one of the chosen few.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win one!!
Alas there are no AC Moore's around here....and our Michael's is not one of the chosen few.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win one!!
I have not seen this in the stores yet! I would love to get a chance to try this new canvas - it seems so versatile!
Hi Claudine,
This new product sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait to try it! Our AC Moore closed a couple of months ago and our local Scrapbook Store is having a "going out of business sale. Bummer! Thanks for the opportunity, Pat
This new product sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait to try it! Our AC Moore closed a couple of months ago and our local Scrapbook Store is having a "going out of business sale. Bummer! Thanks for the opportunity, Pat
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I wish I could win the package!! I love your style! So I know I would love using your products!
I'm already imagining all the cool things I could do with sticky-back canvas! I can't wait to get some - I'll check Michaels this week. I would love to win the contest too!
Dianne in Austin
Dianne in Austin
I would love to win your sticky-back canvas! I ordered everything but the canvas from Suze...can't believe I forgot this!
Congratulations on getting your products out into the stores! My local store doesn't carry any of them but I'll be asking them and checking back often! I'd love to try this new canvas! Thanks for the opportunity!
Mind is racing with ideas to try your sticky back canvas..hope to find it online..and/or win it! Thanks for your inspirations and this opportunity.
Oh, I hope I'm not too late! I'd love to try your new line but haven't found it in Europe yet. Thanks for offering it to us!
Oh, I hope I'm not too late! I'd love to try your new line but haven't found it in Europe yet. Thanks for offering it to us!
Not sure when your cut off point is - but please put my name into the hat too ! I grew up in the era of making everything out of "sticky back plastic" and am very curious about how the canvas will look.
Hi Claudine,
Someone beat me to it...Absolutely Everything is a wonderful store! You would enjoy teaching there. I will be order my paint thru them by phone.
No Michael's here yet with the paint.
Smiles, Andra
Someone beat me to it...Absolutely Everything is a wonderful store! You would enjoy teaching there. I will be order my paint thru them by phone.
No Michael's here yet with the paint.
Smiles, Andra
This sounds like a fabulous product! I'm always looking for sticky things to attach in collages, and canvas is a great idea!
Hello Claudine,
Congrats on the launch of your new exciting. Sticky back canvas, brilliant!!! Wishing you much success...September - AlteredAttic
Congrats on the launch of your new exciting. Sticky back canvas, brilliant!!! Wishing you much success...September - AlteredAttic
I would love to try this. We are quite a way behind in the UK with supplies, so it would be great to try this and then I could think about getting it by mail order.
Many thanks for the opportunity enter the draw.
Many thanks for the opportunity enter the draw.
(Waving my hand furiously in the air!) I'd LOVE to try your new Sticky Back Canvas!
You're the best!
You're the best!
Hopefully, someone near me will carry this product...It looks like some I could have a lot of fun with.
Have some great ideas for this- Citrasol, collage, small paintings, transfers- oh my!!!!
~Lou McCulloch
~Lou McCulloch
This is awesome Claudine! Congrats on getting your great products into all these neat places! i RECENTLY DID THE tIM holtz Fest at ABsolutely Everything, if you ever do a class there I want in! Hope I win the sticky back but if not I will be buying some in the near future anyways! Hugs, Sanna
I have been waiting for this very product -- can't wait to try it out. (Of course, getting it free would be the icing on the cake!)
This sounds like it would be great to work with - I'll stop by Michael's this weekend to see if I can get some (just in case I don't win :)) tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com
WoWzA, would love to try this new product of yours. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for all the inspiration!
debkneer at aol dot com
Thanks for all the inspiration!
debkneer at aol dot com
I've been trying to find this locally, but so far, no luck. Thanks for the chance to win some, Claudine.
I can't wait to try some of your new products Claudine. I will be looking for them in Michaels the next time I am there.
What a neat sounding product! I would Love to be the lucky winner. Thank you for such a nice giveaway :)
Hi Claudine.. I would love to win this... I went to 2 AC Moore's and they must have run out. So, would love to try this. Congrats on your new products.. they look like they are going to be a big hit!
Hi Claudine!
What a nice contest and fun for us! Thank you for the chance to try your sticky back canvas!
What a nice contest and fun for us! Thank you for the chance to try your sticky back canvas!
Hi Claudine,
We spoke of this product at the CHA show in July. I would love to try and can't wait for your Gel Medium to come out.
Thanks for the great products!
We spoke of this product at the CHA show in July. I would love to try and can't wait for your Gel Medium to come out.
Thanks for the great products!
I can hardly wait for your products in arrive in our area. I would love to have this package of sticky back canvas...what a wonder of possiblities!
Thank you for sharing your supplies with us. I would be thrilled to win some of this sticky back canvas.
OOOOHHHH OOOOHHHH....I Want some Sticky Back Canvas...So KEWL!
Thanks claudine for the chance to WIN!
Thanks claudine for the chance to WIN!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your fabby new products!! Would LOVE to try it!
Maybe one day you'll wing yourself out to the West Coast! Love to see you out here!
Susan Chong
Maybe one day you'll wing yourself out to the West Coast! Love to see you out here!
Susan Chong
sticky back canvas, this sounds interesting and something that I would try on all of my shabby layouts. Thanks for the great halloween giveaway!
ava, cottagerca
ava, cottagerca
I would so 'luv' to try this sticky back canvas, thanks for your generous giveaway! Janet
Wow! I love you artwork. I have seen your tutorials on YOUtube. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Pick me....
What a fabulous offer - I'd love to try your canvases! Your product range looks terrific and I am sure it is going to get widely retailed before too long - you have so many fans!!
Wow! Win or lose here - one thing is for sure Claudine...we are ALL going to be searching for all your new products at our arts and crafts stores!!
I would love to try this product and can't wait until it is available at a Michael's store near me. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!
Yay! I would love to win those amazing sheets, I´ve seen them in your blogg and would love to try them, specialy because I can´t get them in Mexico city!! Lol! :)
Have a Great Spooky Halloween!
Thanks, Monica.
Have a Great Spooky Halloween!
Thanks, Monica.
I ordered the paints,etc. and I'm going to do some fabric painting experiments. I'll let you know the results. I've signed in as anonymous because I'm having big problems with Live Journal postings.
I ordered the paints,etc. and I'm going to do some fabric painting experiments. I'll let you know the results. I've signed in as anonymous because I'm having big problems with Live Journal postings.
Hi there!
Found your blog through Tim. I have never seen this stuff but I would love to try it. Thanks for sharing!
Found your blog through Tim. I have never seen this stuff but I would love to try it. Thanks for sharing!
Hey, I'm new to this site and I find your work adorable!! But what I really wanted to tell you was....I, too suffer from 3 - 5 day migraines! I have found that mine are triggered by foods. Chocolate, peanut butter, cinnamon and nuts are the big ones!! Have you looked at your diet?
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