Here's how to play: just comment to this post and I'll draw two winners on Monday. Make sure to leave your email or blog URL so I can contact you if you win!
If you like contests, check out Robin's blog, she's having a contest and you can win an entire set of Adirondack stamp pads! wow!
Labels: contest
Tomorrow (Wednesday) I am posting a contest! More later!
Labels: this and that

I am of two (well maybe three) minds. One hand it seems fun. The other, do I really need another thing to update? On the third hand, what do I Twitter about? Do people really want to read that I am stuck in line at Michael's Craft Store, or that I am craving Einstein's potato bagel (lightly toasted) with hummus?
Do you Twitter? Let me know if you like it and what you like about it!
Labels: this and that
Labels: publicity
I have big plans for Monday -- we'll see how far I get with work. I just keep reminding myself one step at a time. It will all get done!!
My coach did recommend these new meditation downloads. I normally am a terrible mediator getting distracted or sometimes if the tape is guided and too "Stuart Smalley" it can send me into fits of giggles. But these ones are really good. The woman's voice is super relaxing and they seem to be working, I have been able to totally zone out while listening. Here's the link if you want to check it out. I have the free download and then also this one. But want to try others too! They have helped me relax! If I could just figure out how to get my ipod to stop at the end and not start playing something else, that would be perfect! Last night I drifted off but then was rudely awakened to Ira Glass from a This American Life episode that I downloaded! Oops!
Labels: this and that
(click image to enlarge)
Of course I am super proud that Toby is in the photo tongue out and looking cute. I remember I had to wake him up to take this picture so he wasn't very happy!
Labels: press, studio visit

Michelle has been doing all the design for my new product line Ranger and we had tons of fun reviewing logos, colors and branding. She is a gal who really knows her design stuff!!
I also worked on my CHA Summer Show class with Robin and I think it's going to be a great class. A lot to get done in two hours but it'll be worth the push!
I'm excited to have lunch with Suze tomorrow, and then the chemist will be back in the office from his day off so we'll back at product testing! Sorry to be such a tease, I wish I could share more!! It is taking all my restraint not to.
Friday we'll do a little more work and then Friday night I'll be heading home. I can't believe how fast this week is going!
Labels: travel
I learned something new today! Thank you Robin for showing me how to erase letters when I text message on my phone! I couldn't figure out how to do it so I would push all the excess letters to the end of my message so my texts would look like this:
hi how are you I am going to the store, need any milk asgifdrsaj
Labels: travel
Labels: travel
Love Oscar the cat's performance art, the corporal cuddling and have already tried the cat yodeling on Mabel on Stanley although they do not seem to want to participate! He's trying to get featured on YouTube's home page so click here after watching and post a comment on his video page asking You Tube to feature his video!!
Labels: pets
new paper collection from ScrapinStyleTv.com designed by Kerry Lynn Yeary love the vintage couch!
Super cute new necklace by the lovely Jennifer Perkins of Naughty Secretary Club
Mabel modeling the scissor necklace!!
AMAZING tape writers given to me as a gift by Virgina Barrett at the Inspired convention - thank you!!
Beautiful vintage lace from Dawn Treadway at the Inspired convention - thank you Dawn!!
Stanley with the beautiful Inspired necklace created by Lisa Leonard and given to all of us lucky teachers who taught at the Inspired convention. Here I tried to copy Kal's beautiful photo of Lisa's necklace but as you can see, Stanley had other ideas!
Labels: studio visit
Paul had picked it out while I was away teaching last weekend -- our old one started making a horrible grinding noise and since it is our most used appliance - a new one was quickly purchased.
I have to wonder why these range-hood microwaves are SO much more expensive than the counter top versions? Is it because of the little light at the bottom? the little vent fan? Ours doesn't even actually vent to anywhere, it just pretend vents with a little fan that goes no where -- so that can't be worth the extra money, can it? Anyway, there went $300 for the microwave and $85 for the install, but happily so, as it gets used way, way, way more than our oven!
Paul did a great job in his microwave selection duties. Big husband brownie points for him!
Labels: this and that
Apparently I have had a reaction to the antibiotic (Cipro) I have been taking for this never ending sinus infection that I just can't shake. I was wondering why I couldn't sleep and was feeling jittery all the time. I kept blaming all the antihistamines I was taking. I was barely getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night for the past week and it's made my blood pressure all crazy. Now I've stopped taking it I can hardly move I am so tired. Tomorrow I'm going back to the Dr to address the sinus infection and see what to take next. I am almost reluctant to try anything new at this point. Maybe take a rest from drugs for a little bit!
I think I am going to go to bed really early tonight and then see if I can manage to get some work done tomorrow. I am feeling a little desperate about getting work done but I know if I try to work now I will only make a mess of things and then I will get frustrated.
I am off to bed!
Labels: this and that
So I am in headless chicken mode, finishing up custom artwork orders, working on CHA Summer class ideas, and various other things I have on the burner.
Tomorrow I will be getting our niece her first communion present, and our other niece, Madison her 2nd birthday present, also something for me to wear to Maiya's first communion this Sunday (I can't wear jeans!), and I think there is something else I am forgetting. Whew deep breaths!
The Uline.com catalog came in the mail today. I love reading that thing. Am I the only weirdo who thinks it's relaxing to look at a catalog full of cardboard boxes and packing tape while I lay in bed?
Labels: this and that
Donna pulled off a first time event like no other. I have been to a lot of first time events and this was flawless.
And let me tell you about the goodies!!! Aprons, jewelry, roses for the teachers and the students, super cute bags, the swag was incredible. I have never been so spoiled.
And the students were too sweet showering me with gifties. It was too much!
The days were longer than what I am used to when I usually teach --- packing in as much class time as possible, but the smiles and excitement got me through!
I had two of the most amazing assistants ever (thank you ladies -- you saved me!!!)
I got to spend time with friends like Kal, Christina, Ali, and meet super cool gals like Heather Bailey (Must have her hair thingies!) Took a lovely cab ride to the airport with Tena and made a new friend who lives here in Orlando -- hi Lori!! Saw some buddies from the SwitchBoards and from ScrapinStyleTv.com.
I am beat!! But the good news is --- I did not get one migraine! I think this new higher dosage of Topamax is working. Normally I would have had at least one a day under teaching and travel etc. So I am very hopeful this might actually be working.
Now I am off to watch TV, rest and then lots of catch up tomorrow. On my DVR is Rock of Love (will Daisy win?!) and HBO's John Adams. I love the dichotomy of seeing one trashy mindless show next to a brainy show in my list. The big question is which one will I watch first?
Labels: travel
Labels: travel
The laundry is done, the supplies are doubled checked, then triple checked, the email box is empty, 1st QT taxes are done, my ipod has new episodes of This American Life on it. I think I am ready!!
See you from North Carolina!!!
Labels: travel

Labels: press
This is where I keep my paper towels. I used wire to hold the paper towels to the card table. it is very handy. Every time I think of getting a "real" table (like this one) I think of how I love my paper towel holder. I also hold my gift wrapping tissue that I wrap my orders in the same way to the right. Plus I have had these card tables since 1993, they have some arty miles on them.
These are little mini canvases are 2"x2" aren't they CUTE!!! They came from MacPherson's (manufacturer) but you'll find them in your store under the name Art Alternatives.
Is that a giant cat or just a mini canvas? It's Stanley by one of these little 2x2 canvases I just got. And they even come with mini easels! even cuter! Love how I got Stanley sticking his tongue out!
I am playing around with trying to make a 3-d paper car and other paper elements this is my first attempt out of notebook paper and lots and lots of tape. I am not good at anything that requires exactness, but there in lies its charm (or at least that's what I tell myself).
My suitcase! Overflowing as you can see! Almost all packed for my trip on Thursday to teach at Donna Downey's Inspired event!
Labels: this and that

Labels: press

Labels: press
And tomorrow night we are going to see John Edward the Crossing Over guy. I am so excited. We are hoping maybe Paul's Mom or Dad might stop in to say hi from the other side. Chances are slim, there will be like 300 people there. Still you never know!!!
Labels: this and that
A lot of driving for my car that barely goes anywhere. About 3 hours round trip. Then I had to go to Michaels, then Office Depot, then Target. That is a lot of errand running for me, usually I am tired after just one errand! After all that I had a huge mega-migraine!
I had to lay down for a few hours, now I am catching up on email and getting some work done, waiting for Paul to get home from work late tonight, last night he got home at 2:30am and we went to bed at 3:30. We are becoming complete night owls!!!
Labels: this and that

This Sunday, April 6th from 1-4pm will be the opening reception of a group show titled "StoryTellers" at the Art League of Daytona Beach.
At the opening the artists will have tables there in addition to the exhibit and I will have one too! With a few books and various items for sale for that day only! Stop by even if it's just to say hi and chit chat!
Artists exhibiting include, Diana Barringer, Roben-Marie Smith, Brenda Ambrosino, Gail Russakov, and myself!
The exhibit will run through May 1st
Art League of Daytona Beach
433 South Palmetto Ave
Daytona Beach Fl 32114
PS. The local PBS Arts Connection filming went well. Kristen the host was such a sweetie and so nice! The camera guy was really easy going and didn't get all worried about the lighting like most camera guys seem to do. We were able to work with the blinds open! gasp!! When they filmed here for HGTV they were like "those blinds must close!!!" and then they muttered about the blinds for awhile. So I was very surprised the blinds could stay open and we had natural lighting. who knew!? oh!!! And they didn't mind that I wore tiny polka dots. I am glad I wore that shirt on this TV show because I'll probably never be allowed to wear it on any other show.
Afterwards I kept asking Paul over and over again," did I sound OK? are you sure I sounded OK?"
I think those things are like a big party where you have a good time while you are there chatting away but then later you go home and think about what you said and analyze it and wonder if it was stupid. Paul swears it was fine! I'll let you know when it is going to air and there will also be an internet version for non locals. yay!
Labels: art show