here we go!!
23 hours left in the Network for Good $50,000 grant contest! Go BERNIE!!! Keep tabs on the badge rankings here!
EDITED Wednesday 11:10pm EST: akkk! Bernie just dropped to spot #5! If she's at #5 she won't be eligible to win the grant. this is so stressful. I can't look anymore! this is making me a nervous wreck!! deep breaths!!!
This is a photo of Stanley -- our kitty that we got from Bernie's rescue. Stanley told me that he wanted to send a special good luck wish to Bernie to thank her for saving his life. Bernie got Stanley from animal control when he was just two weeks old. Because he and his litter mates needed to be bottle fed he would have been put down by animal control. But Bernie whisked him and his siblings away and bottle fed them until they got big and strong!! And now he's our baby! Thank you for our Stanley!!
We are all sending GOOD LUCK wishes to A Place to Bark and to Bernie! Tomorrow Bernie will be transporting about 40 dogs from Tennessee to Chicago for adoptions so she won't be able to be online when the contest ends at 3pm EST. I'll be keeping her updated!!
I know all of you are keeping your fingers tightly crossed for Bernie and so are we here at the Hellmuth/Lester household! THANK YOU to each and everyone of you for spreading the word, telling your friends, posting to your blogs. Without all of your help we wouldn't even be in the running!! You all are amazing!!
I think I have bugged everyone I know in my whole life about donating to A Place to Bark. My neighbors are starting to run away when they see me! But I will say this one last time (I promise!!!!). There is still time to donate! Your $10 donation can make the difference between A Place to Bark winning this $50,00 grant or not. Visit the A Place to Bark web site or the A Place to Bark Blog to donate.
Also just this quick note:
We have gotten some emails that the donation badge is not showing up. Yipes! If you don't see the badge, please CLICK HERE TO DONATE VIA DIRECT LINK!!!!
Also don't forget we have many donation gifts available to a few lucky donors, click here for the full list! Some new items just added too!!
This is a nail biter!! it's so close!! I can barley look at the badge rankings anymore, this is so stressful!!
Tomorrow at 3pm EST the suspense will all be over! tick tock!!
We can do this!!!!
EDITED Wednesday 11:10pm EST: akkk! Bernie just dropped to spot #5! If she's at #5 she won't be eligible to win the grant. this is so stressful. I can't look anymore! this is making me a nervous wreck!! deep breaths!!!

We are all sending GOOD LUCK wishes to A Place to Bark and to Bernie! Tomorrow Bernie will be transporting about 40 dogs from Tennessee to Chicago for adoptions so she won't be able to be online when the contest ends at 3pm EST. I'll be keeping her updated!!
I know all of you are keeping your fingers tightly crossed for Bernie and so are we here at the Hellmuth/Lester household! THANK YOU to each and everyone of you for spreading the word, telling your friends, posting to your blogs. Without all of your help we wouldn't even be in the running!! You all are amazing!!
I think I have bugged everyone I know in my whole life about donating to A Place to Bark. My neighbors are starting to run away when they see me! But I will say this one last time (I promise!!!!). There is still time to donate! Your $10 donation can make the difference between A Place to Bark winning this $50,00 grant or not. Visit the A Place to Bark web site or the A Place to Bark Blog to donate.
Also just this quick note:
We have gotten some emails that the donation badge is not showing up. Yipes! If you don't see the badge, please CLICK HERE TO DONATE VIA DIRECT LINK!!!!
Also don't forget we have many donation gifts available to a few lucky donors, click here for the full list! Some new items just added too!!
This is a nail biter!! it's so close!! I can barley look at the badge rankings anymore, this is so stressful!!
Tomorrow at 3pm EST the suspense will all be over! tick tock!!
We can do this!!!!
Labels: pets
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Hi Claudine. Thank you for commenting on my blog and thank you for helping Bernie. Keeping fingers crossed :-).
Stanley is darling. Go Bernie :-).
Stanley is darling. Go Bernie :-).
Hi Claudine -
I just wanted to thank you and all of the other people that are working so hard to help Bernie win this grant. I am parying they get it and am also sending A Place to Bark all the good vibes I can muster. Thanks again!
I just wanted to thank you and all of the other people that are working so hard to help Bernie win this grant. I am parying they get it and am also sending A Place to Bark all the good vibes I can muster. Thanks again!
i am praying and emailing and using my husband's bank card and using mine, too, even though i know it won't count any more. i hope she can stay in the top four!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh I can barely stand to look. I have been blogging about it and just emailed about 40 people in hopes of rounding up some last minute donations. Everything is crossed!
Hi Stanley!!
Hi Stanley!!
I too am emailing friends and having them donate! Bernie is doing such a faboulous thing ... just wish there were more people like her! I am lucky in that I will sleep for the next 7 hours but will be checking out the site as soon as I wake! Thanks Claudine for all the support you have given Bernie! xoxoxox
OMG, I'm feeling quite sick this morning as I've checked the badge rankings a half dozen times already. Who are these people who, overnight, smoked by all the top 4! Now the previous number 1 runners are only 7 donations behind Bernie and their bypassing her will knock her out of the top 4. I can only image how you and Bernie feel. I'm just sick, I tell ya'. I'm saying some serious prayers!
Grrr.... its not possible to donate if you don't live in the US. Why is that? Is it something I am doing wrong here?
on the parade site, i thought i read that it was the eight individuals with the top donations who received the grant. am i missing something?
oh pooh, never mind. i just read that it's four to the network for good group and four to the global giving group. i just put up another call for help. i hope we can get her back in the top 4!
thanks guys! this is so stressful. Nina you can donate internationally, just use the pay pal option when you check out :)
Leah - yes it;s the top 4 USA badges and then the top 4 International. Right now she is badge #5 by 100 donations. this is stressful!!
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Leah - yes it;s the top 4 USA badges and then the top 4 International. Right now she is badge #5 by 100 donations. this is stressful!!
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