illustration friday: discovery
Here's my submission for Illustration Friday's theme of "discovery"

(click image to enlarge)
"Fran was angry to discover she had been left to tend the neighborhood garage sale by herself."

Also I discovered JacketFlap this week thanks to Astrid for telling me about it!


Great facial expression, and great illustration!

my website.
Haha that face is perfect! Makes me laugh, great way to put it all together!
Nice one. I like that lovely organza apron! The guazy effect you created is enchanting.
She looks like she smelled something unpleasant. Very amusing.
I love it!
This is great! Glad I found your blog :)
What a face! I love how perfectly you've matched the body language to that exasperated, sour expression... and the outfit...perfect! Great, fun piece, Claudine!
he he he ... poor fran... the prices look good!
Oooh I hate when that happens! She should price everyone else's stuff extra cheap! :) Great work!
her expression is priceless, fyi i bought a book on ur recommendation hope it's as good as it looks ; )
OMG the look on her face is hilarious and priceless! No wonder your career is taking off!
haha - lol - can't get over the look on her face...i'd be scared as death to not buy something from her!
OMG this is ripe!! I can't get over the "Well I never" pursed lips and hands on hips.

Still laughing. Thanks Claudine!
this is a wonderful face...the expression speaks volumes...blessings, rebecca
Hah, hah! Great sense of humor
Haha, but she shoudl be happy! She can treat herself with all the good finds now!
If she didn't look so cross I'd buy the teddy!
love the combination of media!
Love the look on her face!
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