We're staying at a B&B that we stayed at in 1998. Last time we had a bad experience (very bad!), but due to round about circumstances beyond our control we are staying there again. I am already prepared for the no TVs in the rooms. Why do B&Bs insist on no TVs? The big question is will the Tabard Inn surprise us and leave us with the rave reviews that everyone else has about the place? We'll find out!!
I'll be twittering from the road! Follow my twitters in my blog side bar or go here to read my updates!
See you Tuesday!
Labels: travel
This last giveaway will stay open through the weekend, post a comment below (even just say hi!) to be included and I'll pick a winner at random on Tuesday June 3rd! Winner will be emailed and posted here on Tuesday! Thanks for playing!
Don't forget there's one more Hero Arts Giveaway that also stays open through the weekend. Here's the link!
EDITED 7:45PM June 3rd -
Comments closed! Selecting a winner using random.org random number generator from the 380 comments posted! Winner will be announced shortly!
WINNER!!! Here's the winner of the last Hero Arts Giveaway! Daniela you were selected by the Random.org number generator! Email me your address so I can send you the prize!
Now off to select the winner for giveaway #1!
Since it's 7pm EST the 7th comment to this posting wins! go!!
Carolyn Mcavoy You're #7 so you win! email me your address and I will send this to you next week!
thanks for playing everyone!
The next one is coming up soon and it runs though the weekend!
To win this one --- just comment below and I will select a winner at random. Posting closes at 9pm EST winner will be selected tonight and posted here!
9:10 PM -- WINNER!
Using the Random.org number generator, the winner is #54 which is Sandy!
Sandy said...Claudine - it was great to find out about you today, your work is fascinating. I can't wait to explore your site further. Thanks, Sandy
Sandy, email me your address and I will send this to you next week when I send all the others!
If you follow me on Twitter, @ reply me on Twitter by saying "hero arts giveaway" in the message and I'll pick a winner at random. Window to enter is from now until 7pm EST. Winner will be posted here this evening! Go!
3 more giveaways left!!!
PS: If you are not a member of Twitter or don't want to join, please don't stress! I have 3 more giveaways left! I don't want anyone to feel they have to join Twitter, this was just something fun for the Twitter people out there. (Hey Tweets!!) I actually copied the idea from Zappos CEO who gives things away to his Twitter followers. Yay Zappos!
PPS: hey everyone! so sorry the Twitter thing became a hassle. It was supposed to be fun :(
I changed my Twitter settings to receive all @replies I didn't even know it was set t only receive from people I am following, duh! Because of various technical issues with twitter I will extend the deadline to midnight EST time to give you more time!
I compiled together all the @replies and direct messages from Twitter, put them in an Excel file and then used the random.org number generator to pick a number. And..... drumroll...... MandieGirl you're the winner!! Send me your address and I will mail this out next week!
4 more giveaways to go! check back soon for another one!
EDITED 2:50pm -- WINNER!!!
OK!!! Steph of I Told You I was Crafty Blog you're #25!! "Anonymous" was really number 25 but no name was signed so it goes to the next one which is you!!! Email me your address and I will send this to you next week when I send everything out!
OPPS! now Anonymous has come forward! Don't worry Shelly Jaquet! Just to be fair I have a little extra somethin' I will send you just special! Send me your address too via email and I will add you :)
Steph is going to take the runner up prize and Shelly Jaquet you get the prize pictured above! thanks Steph for offering to do that! we had a little prize giveaway extra there! yay Shelly for being #25!
Don't worry! More winning coming up later today! 4 more chances!
To win this one, go to the Hero Arts blog and post a comment in my Guest Blogger post! Comments for the contest will be open through the weekend and the winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday June 3rd! Winner will be notified via email and posted here!
5 more prize packs to go! Check back later to win more:)
WINNER announcement!
OK! A winner has been chosen! From the 280 postings on the Hero Arts Blog the random.org random number generator popped up with #135! So Sabrina Strong you are the winner! Email me your address and I will send your prize!
They sent me a ton of super amazing supplies and asked me to create something with the theme of circles. I couldn't wait to play around!! Here's what I came up with using a photo of my mom!
Visit the Hero Arts Blog for a complete list of supplies used.
And now for the really fun part!!
See this amazing stash of supplies above?
I have divided it into 6 giveaway packs and I will be giving away yummy Hero Arts Supplies, stamps, embellishments and cardstock throughout the day. To keep it interesting I will post to my blog at random times (6 times!) letting you know how to win each giveaway pack. So keep checking back throughout the day. One giveaway pack will be just for my Twitter followers! Hi Tweets!
Both classes will be on Thursday July 17th:
Mixed Media Madness
Workshop W005 Room 25
CHA Member Fee $25
Sponsored By: Ranger Industries
Want to confidently introduce more mixed media products and education into your store? Learn how with Claudine Hellmuth and Ranger! Create along side Claudine while she shows you her latest tips and tricks with her new Claudine Hellmuth Studio product line. Enhance any scrapbook, papercraft, altered art or collage project with a variety of fresh techniques. Claudine will take the mystery out of using these products and will empower you and your customers creativity!
Class level: intermediate Items to bring: None
2:00pm - 3:00pm
The Ins and Outs of Social Media: Create Buzz about Your Brand - for free!
Business Seminar S103 Room 31
CHA Member Fee $25
Claudine Hellmuth demonstrates the results of successful media and marketing - Blog, Vlog and TV. What are the best free PR tools that you have in your arsenal? Find out as nationally recognized artist, author and illustrator Claudine Hellmuth talks about blogs, websites and podcasting - what they are, how they helped her get on the Martha Stewart Show, and how you can use them too!
Who Should Attend: Designers
Big huge thanks to Nan for putting this workshop together and making it such a success! Thank you to Rita and Tom for making everything go so smoothly!
Here's a photo of the workshop space. Love the twinkle lights!
And a view of Lake Huron from our Motel:
Here's a YouTube clip from Channel 11 News. It was a fun surprise when the local news showed up to do a little segment about the workshop!
You can see more photos from the workshop on April's blog, She has a CUTE store called Catching Fireflies, check it out here!
I'll try to blog from the road but I will be updating my Twitter (easier/faster than blogging when traveling) so you can follow me there too.
Labels: pets, this and that
(click image to enlarge)
Love this little girl riding the horse. She loves bunnie and doggies (and horses too!) so we wanted to create something that showed all that!
Labels: custom artwork
Labels: this and that
Sitting on the couch in front of the TV
About 10 minutes later she falls asleep....
Labels: pets
Check out the Pika packages! I wants one!!
Labels: press
This is one of my favorite photos of my Mom in her 20's when she was working for The Sunday Express in Johannesburg. She's sitting on the shoulders of Mr Universe! So cute!I posted it last year but can't resist posting it again. Love you Mom!
Labels: holidays
(click image to enlarge)
I love how this one came out with the windmill and the plains behind them. It was fun to work on! Just finished two more custom orders this weekend, will post them when they are all done!
Labels: custom artwork
They were shot down once before because of action against it --- but now they are back as bill numbers H.R. 5889 The Orphan Works Act of 2008 and S 2913 The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008
If you post your family photos on Flickr, anywhere on the internet or on your blog read on!
Could you imagine if someone used your child's photo in an unsavory advertisement and you had no say and no rights to make them stop using it! This could easily happen if these bills are passed. There has already been an instance of Virgin Mobile using unauthorized Flickr photos of children in advertisements & billboards and that is before this law was proposed. We do not need to make it easier for them to steal your family photos!
If you are posting your photos online, you should read below and then send a letter (there is an EASY fill out form on the Illustrator Partnership web site all you do is enter your info and press send!)Takes 1 minute!!!
This is NOT a hoax. This is FOR REAL. And it is scary. Some people say us illustrators and designers are being alarmist, but I would rather err on the side of caution, defeat this bill and keep my copyrights as they are now. These bills were shot down once because of strong resistance from Illustrators, designers and photographers we can defeat these bills again!
This is text from the Illustrator Partnership web site:
Due to the lack of publicity about this bill, the most innocent victims of this plunder – those who put images online - are still completely unaware of it. Who am I talking about? Average American families who have enjoyed the internet as a way to share the happiest, and even saddest, moments of their lives with their friends and family across the country, and even around the world, through the wonders of technology. Google has already said they plan to use these orphan works in the millions. Why should companies like this be allowed to to harvest our property from private web pages, blog sites, share sites and the like?
On all my illustration and licensing boards we have been talking about it for weeks but now the day of reckoning is almost here and not enough people know about it to help us strike it down in the Senate. We need to make our feelings heard.
If you want to protect your rights go here and send a letter. It only takes 1 minute. Here is the link. Then tell all your friends!
Thanks to everyone posting on their blogs and message boards about this important issue! Super thanks to my friend Tim Holtz for also posting and linking here. Getting the word out and getting people to send in letters is so important right now. it really only takes a minute via this widget! Time is of the essence!
thank you!!!
EDITED: Saturday at 12:50
Because this is such an involved and confusing topic, I am directing you to Tammy Browning Smith. She is a lawyer for the licensing and craft industry and she has posted to her Arts and Crafts Law Blog where you can get really informed answers from her, here's the link: http://artsandcraftslaw.blogspot.com/
Labels: copyright, orphan works bill
Labels: this and that
I decided to upgrade my sewing supply case from a ziploc bag to this CUTE sewing basket I bought at JoAnn's this weekend. Only $12 when I used my coupon. I was so proud I actually remembered to USE my coupon. Usually I carry it in with me and then forget I have it when I check out.
I ♥ ball fringe! (thanks to Twitter friend ihanna for showing me how to make the heart symbol!) I am so excited now I am going to put hearts everywhere! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
It'll be like when I was 10 and I got a paint pen and suddenly letters with dots on the ends of them were on our drinking glasses, my bedroom mirror and any surface I could write on! Gratuitous heart usage coming right up!
Lots and lots of goodies from Hero Arts. I'll be their guest blogger at the end of May so they sent me this giant goodie box full of things to make stuff with. Lucky me! Thank you Hero Arts!! Some I'll use for blog giveaways too! Stay tuned!
look at this sweet little trim I found at JoAnn's love it! I think it will make great poppet® aprons!
Labels: studio visit
Stanley says I need to go to sleep! Look at these cute pics I got of him napping in my studio today. More tomorrow!
Labels: pets, this and that
#84 - Heather who said:
Heather said... Thanks for a chance to win the magazine! Your blog is great...lots of fun! Check her cool silk-fabric-to-egg transfer on her blog!
#27 - Rachel who said:
Rachel said ..... oh! be still my art/craft-related-magazine-loving-heart!:) Check her super cute blog too.
I have emailed both the winners! yay!
Next week (or maybe later this week) I'll have another giveaway. yay!
Labels: contest
Next weekend I am going to try to play more, but we'll see how much I get done this week! I haven't taken a weekend off in who knows how long, and I need some play time. Even my new acupuncturist brought up play time. I was like play! What's that!?
see you tomorrow!
Labels: this and that
They argued back. It went on for over 30 minutes it was like a game of whose on first. They kept saying it was my software, and I kept trying to explain the way the internet works and that my software has nothing to do with it.
Then they told me that whomever was emailing me must have their settings wrong in IE. I said to him "so you want me to tell everyone on the planet to change their IE settings so that they can email me?" That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.
I have had it with AOL and now I am changing my email. To me, not getting email means I am losing business and I can't afford that. I have been meaning to do this for over a year anyway but never had the motivation until tonight!! Boy was I mad!! I still am mad! LOL!
My new email is claudine@collageartist.com! If you have my email in your address book, please update it for me! Thank you!
It's way too late. I am off to bed. It's been a stressful night!
Labels: tech support
Paul is on his way home from work, so I am going to call it a night, snuggle with Mabel, Toby and Stanley and watch a Top Chef episode that we DVR'd from yesterday.
Tomorrow I have my first Acupuncture appt. to try and help with migraine. Will I like it? Will I hate it? I am a bit nervous about the needles but excited to try it out and hoping it will help me.
Labels: pets, this and that
If passed it will do major damage to all of us artists, authors, illustrators, designers and photographers. Even those of us who merely post our photos on Flickr, will not be able to protect them from those who want to use them without compensation or credit.
It is scary stuff people! I have already contacted my Senators and FL Representative. And signed this petition against the bill.
Here's more information from the Society of Illustrators:
Don’t Let Congress Orphan Your Work
An open forum to oppose the Orphan Works Act of 2008
Tuesday, May 6 6:00 PM
The Society of Illustrators
128 East 63rd Street
New York, NY 10065
Admission will be free
LIVE Web cast!
The Orphan Works Act of 2008 will endanger the rights of anyone who creates intellectual property.
It will expose your art to commercial infringement. It will include work from professional paintings to family snapshots. It will include published and unpublished work. It will include any image that resides or has ever resided on the internet. It will force you to register every picture you do with privately-held commercial registries. It will make all unregistered works potential orphans.
This radical change to U.S. copyright law will shift the burden of diligence from infringer's to rights holders. It is wrong to give infringer's the right to make money from your property without your knowledge or consent. You should not have to pay businessmen to keep the work you’ve created.
The Orphan Works Act is an assault on national and international copyright laws. It’s an assault on the property and privacy rights embodied in them.
Illustrators, photographers, fine artists: let’s come together and act to keep Congress from orphaning our work.
To learn more about the Orphan Works Bill, listen to this interview with Brad Holland
Then sign this petition!
More info at the Society of Illustrators.
A list of your Senators and Representatives to contact. Here's a link to sample letters to adjust and send.
Thank you!