a little something
Here's a little onsie that I arted up for a book called 101 Baby Tees. We weren't allowed to use buttons or beads or anything that could fall off. So I went with a little stitching and rudimentary embroidery. Working on this reminded me that I want to experiment with more sewing in my work.

Anyone know of any easy embroidery books so I can learn a few stitches? Or maybe I should take a class. Wonder where they do those sorts of classes? Now to find the time!

Anyone know of any easy embroidery books so I can learn a few stitches? Or maybe I should take a class. Wonder where they do those sorts of classes? Now to find the time!
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Claudine - this is precious!
I recommend these two sites for basic embroidery info:
I recommend these two sites for basic embroidery info:
I agree with Linda--this is absolutely adorable. Looks to me like you've got the sewing thing going on really well!
that came out so precious!
Jenny Hart has some really nice embroidery patterns available in two kits (iron ons that can be reused) some cutesy, some kitchy. They are available at amazon.com or at most bookstores.
most basic stitches can be found online. lazy daisy and the suchlike :)
Jenny Hart has some really nice embroidery patterns available in two kits (iron ons that can be reused) some cutesy, some kitchy. They are available at amazon.com or at most bookstores.
most basic stitches can be found online. lazy daisy and the suchlike :)
HI claudine...the magazine Creat and Decorate...(it can be found at AC moores...Michael's etc...) always has several stitched illistrated in the back of the magazine. I have several issues laying around...be happy to send one...andra
Not that I want to get pregnant just so I can have one of these, but I seriously want an excuse to buy something like that. I love the little gerber baby tag on the collar peeking out from below. Makes me want to transfer that face onto the flowers. LOL!
Go to Primrose Design, the blog where there is a series of tutorials ...linked on my blog...or come over and I'll teach ya. darling onesie. We make those too!
This is so cute! Are you going to be selling them? I would totally be interested in buying something like that.
I really like the book "Decorative Embroidery" published by Reader's Digest. It has some patterns but also does a really good job explaining all the stitches.
I really like the book "Decorative Embroidery" published by Reader's Digest. It has some patterns but also does a really good job explaining all the stitches.
thanks everyone! glad you liked it! I had fun doing it!
I will check out the links and books mentioned. oh boy!
I like the sewing because I can do it while I watch TV. :)
I will check out the links and books mentioned. oh boy!
I like the sewing because I can do it while I watch TV. :)
this has inspired me to keep working on my embroidery skills. i also need to take a class! it would be so much more helpful than the books i've been reading. i would suggest a few, but i don't think they fall under "easy" hehe.
Ah what a cute onsie! Check out my friend Jenny's books on embroidery. Her company is called Sublime Stitching. She has two books, but the first one comes with everything you need to get started.
I just sounded like an infomercial.
I just sounded like an infomercial.
You can also check out a local notions store, like JoAnn Fabrics, the ones that have a the stitching posts in them where they sell machines. Sometimes they have craft calendars and you can take embrodiery classes there pretty cheaply! Good luck! I love sewing on fabric, paper, and now knitting. Super nice to do while watching TV too!!
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You can also check out a local notions store, like JoAnn Fabrics, the ones that have a the stitching posts in them where they sell machines. Sometimes they have craft calendars and you can take embrodiery classes there pretty cheaply! Good luck! I love sewing on fabric, paper, and now knitting. Super nice to do while watching TV too!!
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