all in a day's work

Today worked on commissions all day, got 4 commissions underway so feeling a little bit less stressed about all the ones I have to do. I sent one off today as well (to the right) little family portrait of the Sigel's and their kitty -- looking cute! They own a cookie company called the Golden Walnut - YUM!
Also talked to my creativity/career coach, Sheri Gaynor. She is AMAZING, keeping me on track and helping me organize my ideas. I usually feel like I have to get everything done at once and get so stressed, but she is helping me with that :)
Good TV tonight! Lost, love that show! Did you notice the jar of GOLDEN paint in the first episode this season when they first go into the hatch?!? Wonder how GOLDEN got on the desert island!? The Mysteries of Lost will never cease to amaze me.

Today worked on commissions all day, got 4 commissions underway so feeling a little bit less stressed about all the ones I have to do. I sent one off today as well (to the right) little family portrait of the Sigel's and their kitty -- looking cute! They own a cookie company called the Golden Walnut - YUM!
Also talked to my creativity/career coach, Sheri Gaynor. She is AMAZING, keeping me on track and helping me organize my ideas. I usually feel like I have to get everything done at once and get so stressed, but she is helping me with that :)
Good TV tonight! Lost, love that show! Did you notice the jar of GOLDEN paint in the first episode this season when they first go into the hatch?!? Wonder how GOLDEN got on the desert island!? The Mysteries of Lost will never cease to amaze me.