
Monday, May 02, 2011

2011 workshop update

An update on my workshops and classes for the rest of 2011.  I can't believe how this year is flying away! I only have two events left! 

First up is my online class....... I am really excited about how this class is turning out. It is LOADED with information. and for $30 you get the class and lifetime access to it!  We won't run this class again until late 2012 at the earliest -- make sure to sign up now!

Then in October I'll be teaching a 3 day workshop on beautiful Whidbey Island.  This is my last 3 day workshop event for quite some time so don't miss it!

June 2nd - 29th 2011 - Composition for Collage - ONLINE CLASS
NEW online class this summer. All online so you can take it from anywhere and at any time that works for you! Click here for complete details and registration info! Class is only $30 for 4 weeks loaded with information. Registration ends June 2nd.
You don't want to miss out on this one! If you are a scrapbooker, journaler, or artist who loves to use papers and images. If you work digitally or by hand. I've got you covered! No Supply List! More info here! spaces still available!

October 7-9th 2011 - 3 day Collage Discovery Intensive in Coupeville WA
The three-day workshop format will be a "Collage Discovery Intensive" inspired Claudine's two books, Collage Discovery Workshop and Collage Discovery Workshop Beyond the Unexpected 

We'll start the weekend with a focus on color mixing and expanding our color palettes. We'll move onto to a concentration on composition and design principles. Then we'll learn a combination of painterly collage techniques, which will enhance the surfaces of your collage artworks. We'll play with image transfer methods and other experimental methods of working. 

A variety of idea generation tools will be covered to help us "dig deeper" into the meaning of our collage artworks. Our work together will be paced to allow for personal artistic discovery as well as studio time for working on our collage artworks. The atmosphere will be one of support and encouragement. The most important ingredients you can bring to this workshop, is an open mind and a willingness to share and explore. Workshop is available to artists of all skill levels - beginning to advanced. 

 To register click here! Or call Pacific Northwest Art School at 1-866-678-3396.spaces still available!


  1. I would love to attend your class next month on BPC. I had a look at the class supplies list and was wondering if there will be substitute products. As some of the products are not sure whether I can purchase them locally. Please advise.

  2. Alexis

    Hi there! There is no supply list for my online class. You will get class downloads that you can work with so you do not need to buy anything at all!

    Here's the link to all the details. You can see in the FAQ where it says no supply list :)

    Let me know if you have more questions!!

  3. Claudine.... I love your art and style.

    I have never taken an online class... I am considering taking your class at BPC Can you tell me how it works as far as time goes? I work full time during the day. If I take the class will I be able to participate in any of the online chats or will they be during the day. Do you think I will have time to do the projects if I only have evenings?

    I love altered art and playing with mixed medias. I think this class would be AWESOME!

    Hope you post soon. I will watch for a reply.

  4. Lyneen - the great thing about an online class is you can spend as much time or as little as your schedule allows.

    here's how it works. every Thursday new content is uploaded to the class room. you'l find videos to watch, images to download , handouts and a couple slideshow lectures. you can watch these at your leisure.

    each one is about 15 minutes long so they do not take long to watch. the "homework" you can do if you have time or decide to get to it the next week. the homework is designed so it shouldn't take you more than an hour. but you can spend long if you like.

    Because you'll have forever access to the class, you can work at your own pace. you can stay in "real time" which is the 4 week format or decide to take 1 month per lesson or 2 weeks per lesson, or more. whatever works for you!

    I hope this helps answer some questions! let me know if you have more!! I am happy to answer :)



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

♥ claudine hellmuth