
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

favorite artsy movies

I always love peeking at other people’s Netflix lists so I thought I would share with you some of my favorite movies about artists/art!

here's a quick list in no particular order:

Basquiat – this film by Julian Schnabel, when I was in art college we got to watch it with Schnabel and then have a Q&A session with him afterwards. He looks nothing like Gary Oldman who plays him in the film And one of my friends got in a very heated discussion with Schnabel about "big art" vs "small art" Schnabel was very pro large format art. While my friend thought that small format art was still very valid. 

A Man Named Pearl - touching documentary about a man who becomes a self taught topiary artist.

Frida - I didn’t expect to like this one as much as I did. But loved it!

Pollock – wish they had more scenes of him painting and less of him getting drunk. Still a good movie.

How to Draw a Bunny – odd film but interesting!

Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress – I am a big fan of Chuck Close. How he overcame his handicap to continue to create amazing large scale paintings is inspiring!

Who the %&*# is Jackson Pollack – a great movie about the bias of the art world

My Kid Could Paint That – story about a prodigy artist and her pushy parents. Question is... is it the Dad painting or her?

Herb & Dorothy – story of a couple (he was a postman) who amassed an amazing art collection worth millions and then gifted it to the National Gallery of Art.

Beautiful Losers – documentary about graffiti artists. Very interesting!

Alice Neel – documentary about portrait artist, Alice Neel. Her sons chime in a lot and you can tell they weren't happy with their unconventional upbringing!

In the Realms of the Unreal - Story of outsider artist Henry Darger who lived a reclusive life and died alone in a Catholic mission in 1973

Helvetica – a great documentary about typography and how it is used in society. 

Exit Through the Gift Shop - documentary about street artist Banksy. Rumor is he is also Mr Brainwash. you must watch! 

I am sure I have left some out. These are just the ones off the top of my head. If you have any suggestions please post a comment!


  1. I love Pollack and Who the %# is Jackson Pollack was great too! I'll have to check out some of these other movies, thanks for the list!

  2. lots of my faves here - good to know about the Chuck Close one.Great artist & fascinating person.

    Also on my "to watch" list are Seraphine & Objectified & the art of the steal

  3. I liked the made for TV movie about Georgia O'Keeffe with Joan Allan.

  4. I just watched another Basquiat film the other day. Jean Michel Basquiat - The Radiant Child. It was very interesting but I want to see the Schnabel one now. Can.Not.Believe you got to watch it *with* Schnabel, how cool is that!!??

  5. I hust watched Helvetica and it was so interesting. Also loved Frida. Thanks for all the recommendations.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    "Art School Confidential" was an interesting movie, but "Frida" and the "Georgia O'Keeffe" movie are my my faves

  7. what a fabulous idea.... am hoping to watch the Alice Neel one if its available in the UK. Loved the Basquiat film and Frida, not so much the Pollack one though. My husband and I do 'film club' with LoveFilm (Netflix for the UK) and are making our way through classics we missed... its great. So far Citizen Kane is still ranking the best in our book. But Maltese Falcon was a surprisingly good one! good to have some new suggestions. I wish there was an alternative documentary netflix/ love film... there are so many great docs that don't make it

  8. The Station Agent is one of my favorite movies!

  9. I saw some favorites here... Also enjoyed 'Goya in Bordeaux' about his life as recalled from his deathbed. Creative filming too.

  10. Great post, Claudine. Frida is my all time favorite movie. Each frame is a work of art



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♥ claudine hellmuth