
Thursday, March 24, 2011

catalog inspiration

Whenever I get the Anthropologie catalog in the mail I rush to open it and dive in! I tear out the pages of the things that might give me inspiration later.

Here’s a page from my tear pile ... I love how they have taken an old book and used it to create a whole scene.

I imagine an entire mantle of books all with trees. Maybe add glitter to the branches and battery tea lights to create a holiday display! So many ideas from just one catalog! Don’t even get me started on all the ideas I get when I go into the store!


  1. This is just beautiful Claudine, books are so full of inspiration and so versatile.So glad someone else shares a tear pile mine is overflowing just not enough hours in the day to appreciate it. thanks for sharing

  2. You should have seen an exhibition in NYC, "Paper under the Knife"... it was awesome...,/is/,/7370/,/false/,/true
    I have some books on Origami Architecture, and they use the same concept, they are really amazing... once you started it's addictive!



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♥ claudine hellmuth