
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

make your own photobooth pics

This week doesn't feel like a "real" work week so let's have some fun!

If you’re like me you love old style photobooth photos. It’s hard to find photobooths in real life but I found a fun substitute that you can use right on your computer. It creates photobooth pics that look like they come right out of the movie Amelie (my fav movie too)!

Just go to:

Here’s a pic of what the site looks like along with a filmstrip of our late cat Stanley who was a semi-unwilling participant. We miss you Stanley cat!

The site is all in French but even if you don’t speak French it’s easy enough to figure out.

Once you’re done with your photoshoot you can even print out your pics and then scrap ‘em!

I found this fun photobooth link on Website Bakery. If you're in the mood for some fun eye candy (and who isn't!) check it out here!

Have fun!!


  1. Hi Claudine~ It's Connie M from your BPS class. Did you get your Sketch book done? I finished I'm not happy with it but that will give a reason to do it again. Just wondering ~ hope you are doing good.
    A friend of mine took your class in Florida for the (shop owners)~she owns the shop I teach at~Always on the look out for more ways to use SBC!!! cm

  2. What a fun link! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog and tweeting my tutorial for your sticky back canvas - i was super excited to say the least (and yes I am a huge dork!)


  3. What a great looking fun site. Thanks for posting. You're right. This doesn't feel like a regular work, off to go play some more!!

  4. Hi Stanley Cat!!


  5. Have you seen the other apps this company puts out? (I *believe* its the same company that does the photo cabinet app, but I might be wrong, now that I'm thinking about it.)

    InCREDibly fun stuff. Hipstamatic is a fun site to even look at, and the app is fun to use, too. :)

  6. I cannot wait to play with this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!



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I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

♥ claudine hellmuth