
Thursday, February 04, 2010

what happens next .. i don't know

In November we got the news that Paul's office will be closing. We were told then that Paul and the other web staffers of The Guardian's DC office would continue working until Feb 5th. And after that, would officially a statistic of the recession.

February 5th, seemed like a long way away, but Paul leapt into action immediately: resumes have been emailed like mad, networking like crazy, and even a few interviews.

The cliche of saying it feels like a roller coaster ride is true. We are at the part in the ride where we are chugging up the steep hill, each day that has passed has moved us further up the hill as we got closer and closer to Feb 5th.

We can't see how big the drop is on the other side .... sometimes roller coasters trick you into thinking it's a steep hill when it's just a slope or a series of smaller hills on the way down. Or sometimes you chug up that big hill, heart racing in anticipation to realize, it's a straight drop down.

Will we be frightened or laughing on our big ride? I don't know. But I know for sure we'll be holding hands!


  1. That is one of the sweetest stories I've read. Good luck on Paul's search.

  2. Hey Claudine -- Have you seen the trailer for the "Lemondade" documentary? It's inspiring. I hope -- like the folks in the film -- becoming a statistic of the recession turns out to be the best thing that could happen for you and Paul. Godspeed!


  3. Claudine, I'm so sorry to hear about what has happened and I hope your husband finds a new opportunity soon. I definitely know what you're feeling, as I'm currently a statistic of the recession as well - I was laid off in December. It sucks, but I'm so happy to have my husband holding my hand and riding that roller coaster with me.

    Thanks for sharing this post with us, Claudine!

  4. Claudine, there is a quote by Patrick Overton that goes, "When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, either there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will fly." Sweet one, just be sure you are holding hands .... hugs,

  5. You're so right-on, Claudine!

    That's the key right there - holding hands through all of this uncertainty.

    Paul's a very marketable individual, and with his positive attitude, a better job is going to come his way.

    Sending positive vibes your way!

    Julie Northlake

  6. Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the beginning of my husband's journey into unemployment. Thankfully, it only lasted 6 months . . . but they were a nerve wracking 6 months! I hope Paul is able to find employment soon! You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers!

  7. And that was my song for 2009... A horrible year, full of humility.. Two 'demeaning' temp jobs later.. I have a great job now!

    It took a year...
    Hang in there... and temp jobs are only that... Temporary, but lucky nonetheless to have them.

  8. sending positive thoughts your way and hope things turn around soon.

  9. I've been there before and know how difficult it is. I wish you all the best, and if it is any comfort, it turned out to be a blessing in diguise.

  10. Claudine, I am confident it will work out, he will get a much better job that he might not have even considered if he still had his old one! You will be fine, I am certain of it. Beverley

  11. Hang in there...I'll keep you two, and all of us that find ourselves on that same roller coaster, in my thoughts and prayers!

  12. good luck, claudine. i know with your cheery attitude that you will be fine!

  13. Claudine / Paul. You two have always been so optimistic and strong. You've always weathered storms before. You have the right attitude, both your strength and love will get you through this hump. Thinking of both of you!


  14. Truth > "It's not what you have or where you go, it's who you have beside you that counts." Having been on that same ride with my husband several times in our 37 years together, my advice to you is to keep holding hands, even when you're snapping at each other. Then 37 years from now you can look back and smile, knowing it made you a stronger couple!

  15. It's a tough ride, but hopefully one that will end in a better place. I became a statistic in November and I'm trying to embrace that it's an opportunity for me to make things better and that something good will happen. Hugs and prayers being sent...

  16. Sorry to hear that, but with positive thoughts and attitude, my experience has been things work out for the best. Sending you and Paul positive vibes!

  17. Prayers to you! (You are a great story teller)

  18. The thing with roller coasters is that for every down, there's an up.

    Here's hoping this is a short down leading to a great big up!

  19. I started following your work when Paul was your PR guy at the Sentinel (haha); he's always been so proud of you! He has such an amazing spirit about him, only good will come! So just look at this as a moment in time -- it will pass and the new will come and this part of the journey will be many steps behind you.

    Please ask Paul to email me; I don't have his address anymore.

    Stacey Lopez

  20. HUGS---please know that prayers are said and positive thoughts being sent your way---the ride will be beautiful no matter what because you have each other - I just know good things are coming---!!!

  21. Well, don't make yourself sick with worry. It won't help. Pray and say good intentions and light a candle when he has interviews. It's our tradition and I swear it works. He's young too.. that's on his side.

  22. You have such a great attitude about this, Claudine! I hope for only the best for you and Paul, whatever that may end up being!

  23. I so hope for you all that it will be loads of laughing! Either way hang on! {{hugs}}

  24. It has always been my believe that if you leap...the net will appear.
    One window closes another opens...just wait and see...something very good will happen when you don't even expect it.

  25. Hello Claudine,

    New start, new beginning and new doors will open!
    Don't think of a recession, think about a time for change instead...change always brings hope.

    Best to you and Paul.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  26. I totally understand what you are feeling right now. Since early on in the 'housing bubble' debacle my SO has been treading water job wise. We have cut our household expenditure in half and I have learnt to be very frugal. He has been unemployed for a month now, but yesterday got good news of a new job. What on earth would we do if we were not able to hold hands and take the ride together? Have a safe landing xx.

  27. Holding hands... the perfect way to embrace this roller coaster ride! And screaming really loud doesn't hurt either!!

    Big hugs

  28. Claudine, I'm so sad to hear this. Hoping and praying good things to come from all of the resumes sent out.

    I don't come over to your blog as often as I'd like or get to post. But I've always loved your work and loved taking your classes over on Scrap in Style. I have your latest book and keep it nearby! You've been an inspiration to me to create.

    Because of this I've nominated you for the Creative Blog award. See my blog for more details.


  29. Great attitude! Here's my good, positive thoughts of support to add feathers to both of your sets of wings...

  30. Melissa L8:36 PM

    Claudine, I am sending you and Paul many Good Thoughts, positive vibes, and good wishes. I know you two will be okay! Hang in there, and hang onto each other (and Stan and Mabel!)

  31. Hi ... I took a few years off and am now looking for work which, this time around (given the job market), is really tough on the soul. My advice is exercise daily! This one little step will keep you mentally on top of your game (fresh and positive)! Bon chance!

  32. claudine, thanks for this post, it was just what i needed. we have been recession statistics for over a year now. it's been TOUGH but has also taught us new lessons on survival. ours was a straight drop down BUT holding hands for sure. it's amazing how much stronger a marriage becomes. good luck to you both, i'm cheering you on. WARM hugs, rachel



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♥ claudine hellmuth