
Thursday, January 21, 2010

california here i come!

Tomorrow morning very early I'll be on a plane to LAX and then headed to the CHA show in Anaheim. It's going to be a busy show!

If you are the show, stop by the Ranger booth (#2063) on Sunday from 10am - 5pm and make one of these cute Sticky Back Canvas bracelets with me!

Here's my complete schedule for all 4 days of the show.
Because the show is so busy, it's sometimes hard to find a spare minute to blog. But I'll be Twittering! Follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates! See you next week!


  1. see you in Anaheim, hope I get the time for some make and takes this time...LOVE your paints and mediums and are so happy we finally got them in the store
    Have a safe trip =)

  2. Very cute!! Looking forward to creating one and meeting you again! Have a safe trip!

  3. Have a great trip! Wave when you're over Arizona. :O)

  4. Good luck at the show, Claudine. I hope you are well!

  5. i will stop by for sure - these look great!

  6. The other half of our team is there! Wish I could be too :) have a great time!

  7. I love these bracelets, but won't be at CHA. So sad. As a spring baby these are so my colors.Saw the book you made in your class on Suze's blog. Wish I could have done that too. I've never been able to get into one of your classes as they have been full when I went to CHA and your others are too far away from me. Again, so sad.



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

♥ claudine hellmuth