poppetTM scrapbooking preview party
Today was totally eaten up by errands, packing commissions and taking them to the Post Office. It never fails that I am ready to go when all the schools are letting out, so it always takes me way longer than it should.
Here's a commission I just shipped off of Elizabeth, she's the owner of A Scrapbookers Dream.
They are having a debut party for my PoppetTM Scrapbooking line on March 4th. If you're in Ontario Canada, stop on by for the Positively Perfect PoppetTM Preview Party!
Now say that three times fast!
If you're waiting to buy the PoppetTM Scrapbooking line, you only have a little longer to wait, Lazar StudioWerx, will be selling them retail from their web site soon, or ask your local store to carry the line -- they can visit the Lazar StudioWerx web site for wholesale info.

Here's a commission I just shipped off of Elizabeth, she's the owner of A Scrapbookers Dream.
They are having a debut party for my PoppetTM Scrapbooking line on March 4th. If you're in Ontario Canada, stop on by for the Positively Perfect PoppetTM Preview Party!
Now say that three times fast!
If you're waiting to buy the PoppetTM Scrapbooking line, you only have a little longer to wait, Lazar StudioWerx, will be selling them retail from their web site soon, or ask your local store to carry the line -- they can visit the Lazar StudioWerx web site for wholesale info.
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Positively Perfect PoppetTM Preview Party, Positively Perfect PoppetTM Preview Party, Positively Perfect PoppetTM Preview Party...too much alliteration...head about to explode..
Pfffositively Pffferfect PfffoppetTM Pffreview Pfffarty, Pfffositively Pffferfect PfffoppetTM Pfffreview Pfffarty, Pfffositively Pffferfect PfffoppetTM Pfffreview Pfffarty...gimme my prize!
Mr. Paul,
I just bet you are the kind of person that eats a 48 ounce steak for the free t-shirt......
A Prize is coming your way!
I just bet you are the kind of person that eats a 48 ounce steak for the free t-shirt......
A Prize is coming your way!
thanks! I do use the online click and ship thingy, and it does help, but I am still weird about having our postman pick up the mail, I like to drop it off. It's like I don't trust him to send it out.
As you can probably tell I have minor control issues and this is something I have to work on! LOL!
thanks! I do use the online click and ship thingy, and it does help, but I am still weird about having our postman pick up the mail, I like to drop it off. It's like I don't trust him to send it out.
As you can probably tell I have minor control issues and this is something I have to work on! LOL!
Yay for poppets! My local store owner called me one morning last week and we picked out which things to order for the first batch and brainstormed some class ideas. So excited! 4-6 weeks for shipping - sigh. But still excited!
oh wow! that is great! thank you for ordering them. I think it's jsut a the long shipping time on the first batch, once they get going it shouldn't be as long.
thanks agaiN!
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oh wow! that is great! thank you for ordering them. I think it's jsut a the long shipping time on the first batch, once they get going it shouldn't be as long.
thanks agaiN!
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